View and manage hosts
In this topic:
View hosts
To view hosts used for test execution, click in the LoadRunner Enterprise navigation toolbar, and select Hosts (under Resources).
Manage hosts
You manage hosts used for test execution from the Hosts module.
Hosts can also be configured by the administrator from LoadRunner Enterprise Administration. For details, see Manage hosts.
You can also provision hosts from the cloud for use in performance testing. For details, see Configure a performance test with cloud-based load generators.
User interface elements are described below (unlabeled elements are shown in angle brackets):
UI Elements |
Description |
<LoadRunner Enterprise common UI elements> |
For LoadRunner Enterprise menus and buttons, see LoadRunner Enterprise user interface. |
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Opens the Add Host Dialog box, enabling you to create a testing host. For details, Add a host. |
Check Host |
Enables you to check the connection to the selected host. |
Reconfigure Host |
Resets the following on the selected host machine:
Maintenance > LoadRunner Agent Configuration |
Opens the LoadRunner Agent Configuration dialog box for the selected host. For details, see Reconfigure the LoadRunner Agent user. Note: Available for Windows hosts that are Operational and in Idle state only. |
Maintenance > Data Processor Queue |
Opens the Data Processor Queue window, enabling you to view the pending data processing requests. |
Maintenance > Reboot Host |
Enables you to remotely reboot host machines. Note:
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Delete Host. Deletes the selected host. |
<Group or sort data> |
Right-click in a column heading to sort or group data by the selected column. For more details, see Personalize your display. |
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Refresh. Refreshes the grid so that it displays the most up-to-date information. |
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Filter. Enables you to filter the information being displayed in the hosts grid. Click the filter box under the column you want to filter, and select a filter. For more details, see Personalize your display. |
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Select Columns. Enables you to select columns to be displayed in the view. |
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Export to XLS. Enable you to export the hosts grid to an Excel file. |
Hosts Grid | |
ID | The ID of the testing host. |
Location | The name of the host location. |
Name | The name or IP address of the host. Click the host name link to display additional details about the host and the host tabs. For details, see View or edit host details. |
Status |
Displays the status of the host and enables you to change the status of a selected host. The possible statuses are:
Privacy Type |
The privacy type of the host: Public or Private. |
Runtime State |
The current activity on the host.
Purpose |
The testing tools available on the host. For example: Note:
Installation |
The installation type of the host:
Priority |
A rank assigned to the host (between 1-9). The higher the priority you give the host, the more likely the host will be allocated to a test. There are a number of criteria to consider when assigning priority. The main considerations are whether the host is a dedicated machine or a shared resource, and the type of hardware installed on the machine. |
SSL Enabled |
Indicates whether the load generator host will communicate with the Controller via TLS (SSL) or not. Note:
Last Run Time | Displays the date and time that the host was last run in a test. Click the last run time link to open the run page for the selected test. |
Active Reservation ID |
Displays the timeslot ID. Click the link to open the timeslot for which the host is reserved. Note: When running a test and LoadRunner Enterprise is connected using a PostgreSQL database server, this field is empty if the time zone of the database server’s operating system is not aligned with the time zone in the postgresql.conf file on the database server machine. For details on aligning the time zone, see the PostgreSQL Database servers section in the LoadRunner Enterprise Installation Guide. |
Attributes |
The system attributes of the host. Example: Memory, strength, installed components. |
LoadRunner Agent User | Displays the domain and user name of the agent that enables communication between the Controller, Load Generators, and MI Listeners. If the field is empty, the default LocalSystem user account is being used. For details, see Reconfigure the LoadRunner Agent user. |
MI Listener |
The IP address or name of the MI Listener that enables data collection. Relevant only for hosts located over a firewall. |
Description | Describes the currently selected host. |
OFW Properties | Indicates whether over-firewall settings have been configured for the selected load generator host (Y or N). |
Belongs to Pools | The names of the pools that the host is associated with. |
Create Date | The date and time the host was created. |
Created By | The user who created the host. |
Tabs | |
Main Details | Describes the currently selected host. For user interface details, see Hosts Grid. |
Event Logs | Displays detailed information about the tasks performed on the selected host, including the event type (an indication of the event's severity: error, warning, or info), a description of any errors, and the category of action where the event occurred. |
Installed LRE Components | Displays a list of the LoadRunner Enterprise components installed on the host machine, including versions and remote installations or upgrades. |
Installed Programs | Displays a list of all of the programs installed on the host machine. Details include the version, the publisher of the software, and the date it was installed on the host machine. |
Processes |
Displays information about the processes and resource usage of the selected host, including the percentage of processor time and memory used by the process, and the amount of elapsed time since the process started. Note: For the Processes page to work, IPv6 must be disabled. To disable IPv6, open HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip6\Parameters\ in the registry Editor, and change the hexadecimal Value data for "DisabledComponents" to "0xFF". |
Services | Lists all the services on the selected host, including service status (Running or Stopped), and the way the service is set to start up (automatically, manually, or if the service is disabled). |
Check Host Status | Displays the checks performed on the selected host, including the areas (Configuration, Connectivity, Installation, Performance) and sub-areas (Processor, Memory, System) that were checked, the expected and actual value resulting from the host check, and the host check status (Passed or Failed). |
See also: