What's New in LoadRunner Enterprise
This topic introduces the new features and improvements in LoadRunner Enterprise 2022 R2.
Note: The Help Centers for LoadRunner Enterprise 2022, 2022 R1, and 2022 R2 versions are streamlined into a single Help Center. Any version specific changes are indicated where relevant.
To view enhancements for the 2022 and 2022 R1 versions, see What's New in LoadRunner Enterprise 2022 and 2022 R1.
In this topic:
- User interface modernization
- Infrastructure, stability, and security
- Shared technologies, components, and protocols
User interface modernization
The following user interface enhancements are available:
Area | Enhancement |
Administration |
As part of ongoing modernization, the following areas of the LoadRunner Enterprise Administration user interface are updated using the latest technologies:
Trend report modernization |
The trend report PDF has been simplified and given a more modern look and feel. You can use the PDF to more easily view graphs, bar charts, tables, and user preferences. For details, see Export trend report to a PDF. |
Runtime settings |
An updated Runtime Settings user interface is now in use in LoadRunner products for many of the protocols. The new UI provides a modernized look and feel, and more streamlined functionality. For details, see Configure runtime settings. |
Infrastructure, stability, and security
LoadRunner Enterprise includes the following infrastructure, stability, and security updates:
Area | Enhancement |
Scripts |
Improved performance for displaying large script files in the script viewer. For details, see Scripts. |
Workload types |
Simplified the process of switching between different workload types, and adding, removing, and disabling groups. For details, see Vuser distribution methods. |
Analysis servers |
The following analysis server enhancements are included:
File uploads |
The following security enhancements are included for file uploads:
SSO authentication |
SSO is now supported only if the LoadRunner Enterprise server is using a secure HTTP connection (SSL configured environment). For details, see SSO authentication. |
Network Virtualization |
To use Network Virtualization 2022 R2, you must install Zulu OpenJDK 11 on Linux machines that are running Network Virtualization, and update the Java default path to Zulu 11. For details, see the Network Virtualization for LoadRunner Help. |
Shared technologies, components, and protocols
For new shared technologies, components, and protocols that are supported in LoadRunner Enterprise, see the following Micro Focus products:
Product | Description |
The Virtual User Generator (VuGen) enables you to record and develop scripts that emulate the behavior of real users on your system. These scripts are used for performance and load testing with Micro Focus products. VuGen 2022 R2 includes the following updates:
For details, see What's new in LoadRunner Professional and VuGen. |
LoadRunner Developer
LoadRunner Developer is Micro Focus' cutting-edge tool for web protocol performance and load testing. Powered by the DevWeb engine, LoadRunner Developer enables you to create and execute DevWeb protocol scripts which can be run within LoadRunner Enterprise. LoadRunner Developer 2022 R2 contains the following enhancements and fixes:
For details, see What's new in LoadRunner Developer. |
LoadRunner Professional |
LoadRunner Enterprise uses various LoadRunner Professional tools. For the new features and improvements in LoadRunner Professional 2022 R2, see What's new in LoadRunner Professional and VuGen. |
See also: