What's New in LoadRunner Professional and VuGen

This topic introduces the new features and enhancements for LoadRunner Professional and VuGen, version 2022 R2.

Note: The Help Centers for LoadRunner Professional 2022, 2022 R1, and 2022 R2 versions are streamlined into a single Help Center. Any version specific changes are indicated where relevant.

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What's New video

Learn about some of the new features included in LoadRunner Professional version 2022 R2:

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.NET Plus protocol

This release includes the .NET+ protocol, supporting .NET 6. You can use the new protocol to manually code Vuser scripts for Microsoft .NET client applications created in .NET 6.

For details, see .NET+ protocol.

DevWeb protocol

The following enhancements and fixes are included for DevWeb scripts:

Note: For updates in LoadRunner Developer and the DevWeb JavaScript SDK, see the LoadRunner Developer and DevWeb Help Center.

  • The Correlate selection option now adds context-based extractors. VuGen assesses the origin file type for the selected text, and inserts the appropriate extractors in the script, for example, XML or JSON extractors. For details, see Correlation for DevWeb scripts.

  • Automatic block size allocation for Vusers is now supported for DevWeb scripts running on LoadRunner Professional or LoadRunner Enterprise, in addition to LoadRunner Cloud and LoadRunner Developer. Auto block size is available when using the unique row selection method for DevWeb parameters. For details, see Parameters for DevWeb.

  • DevWeb scripts now support access to Microsoft Azure Key Vault. To retrieve secrets data from the Key Vault during replay, you add the relevant JavaScript API functions into your script. For details, see Access Azure Key Vault secrets.

TruClient protocol

TruClient includes the following enhancements:

  • Upgraded Chromium browser support to version 103.

  • Upgraded TruClient Browser support - equivalent to Firefox version 101.

  • Selection of multiple files for upload is now supported in all browsers, for record and replay.

For details, see the TruClient Help Center.

Kafka protocol

Kafka protocol now has enhanced options for managing configuration files.

For details, see Kafka recording options.

Citrix protocol

Citrix protocol now includes functions that retrieve information about a window based on the unique window ID.

For details, see Citrix ICA Vuser Functions in the Function Reference.

PCoIP protocol

The Teradici PCoIP protocol is now supported with VMware Horizon 8.

For details, see Teradici PCoIP protocol.

SAP GUI protocol

You can now enable VuGen to continue replay of SAP GUI protocol scripts even if a logon or connection fails during replay.

For details, see Known issues for SAP.

Run Virtual Table Server (VTS) on Docker

You can now deploy a Docker container to run VTS.

For details, see Run VTS in a Docker container.

Convert XML queries to updated format

Some older Vuser scripts may include XML queries in an outdated format. You can now convert those queries to the updated format in VuGen, using the Xpath Convert tool.

For details, see Xpath Convert.

Datadog integration

LoadRunner Professional now integrates with Datadog, enabling you to view metrics collected by the Datadog monitoring platform. You set up the Datadog monitor in Controller, and view the collected data in dedicated Controller and Analysis graphs.

For details, see Datadog monitor.

IPv6 communication support

Controller now supports IPv6 format for communication with load generators and via MI Listener. This feature is supported for connection via IP address only, not via host name.

Load generators: For details, see Load Generators dialog box.

MI Listener: For details, see Agent Configuration Settings dialog box.

Silk Performer integration

The runtime settings of Silk Performer scripts now include pacing options. Pacing enables you to control the time between iterations of the actions in a script.

For details, see Silk Performer scripts.

Additional support over firewalls

Monitoring over firewalls is now supported for Dynatrace and Service Virtualization monitors.

For details, see Set firewall monitoring preferences.

Dynamic monitoring for Windows Resources monitor

You can now use regular expressions when defining measurements for the Windows Resources monitor. All instances that match the regular expression are added dynamically to the measurements list during the scenario run.

For details, see Windows Resources monitor.

View chaos testing in graphs

The run stages for chaos events can now be viewed in scenario graphs, enabling you to see how the chaos event influences the monitored machine.

For details, see Chaos testing for scenarios.

Smart Vuser allocation

You can now use smart Vuser allocation for load balancing. Smart Vuser allocation is supported for Windows and Linux load generators.

For details, see Smart Vuser allocation.

Enhanced security for LoadRunner Professional shared key

The shared key included in the LoadRunner Professional installation is now encrypted, for enhanced security. In addition, you can change the shared key using the Network and Security Manager command line tool.

For details, see Network and Security Manager - command line tool.

Encrypted private keys for silent installation

When performing silent installation for LoadRunner Professional components, you can now include encrypted private keys for TLS/SSL certificates and CA certificates.

For details, see the LoadRunner Professional Installation Guide.

Dockerized load generator on Linux

The Docker container for load generators on Linux now uses a non-root user (lr_user) as the default.

For details, see the LoadRunner Professional Installation Guide.

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What's new in the LoadRunner family

To learn what's new in other LoadRunner family products, see the appropriate help center:

See also: