Manage licenses

This section describes the different types of LoadRunner Enterprise licenses, where to view your license information, and how to install licenses.


  • When upgrading from Performance Center 12.6x or LoadRunner Enterprise 2020 or later, you need to request and upload new licenses to work with the upgraded LoadRunner Enterprise version. For details, see Set license keys.

  • A Tenant Admin user has read-only permissions on the Licenses module, except for license keys which are hidden. For details, see Predefined admin roles.

Licenses overview

To run tests from LoadRunner Enterprise, you must install the appropriate LoadRunner Enterprise server and host licenses.

Use the Licenses page in LoadRunner Enterprise Administration to view the details of licenses that are currently installed and to install additional licenses.

License bundles

There are several types of license bundles available.

The Community license is free of charge, and is automatically installed with your LoadRunner Enterprise installation during setup. The bundle includes:

  • 1 Controller allowing 1 concurrent run.

  • Free use of Network Virtualization (except for the Global Library feature).

  • Community: 50 Vusers for all protocols including JMeter and Gatling, with the exception of the COM/DCOM, Templates, and GUI (UFT One) bundles.

  • Mobile UI: Unlimited Vusers.

Other bundles allow you to run additional Vusers on selected protocols. For more information on available bundles, see the License Bundles documentation.

To obtain and install additional licenses, see Set license keys.


  • The community license bundle does not include support.

  • After installing LoadRunner Enterprise, you have a Community license only. If you are upgrading your LAB project, your previous licenses is removed and you need to upload new licenses.

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License types

To work with LoadRunner Enterprise, you must define each of the following types of licenses:



LoadRunner Enterprise

The LoadRunner Enterprise license defines the total number of Vusers and test runs that can run simultaneously, and may have an expiration date.

While LoadRunner Enterprise enforces the total number of concurrent Vusers and runs that are available in the Licenses table, the concurrent runs license can be increased to a much higher number. For more information, go to the Software Licenses and Downloads (SLD) portal (requires login) or contact your sales representative.


A VUFDs (Virtual User Flex Days) license provides you with a specified number of Vusers that you can run an unlimited number of times within a 24 hour period (the Virtual User Flex Day). At the end of a Virtual User Flex Day, the remaining number of licensed VUFDs is calculated by subtracting the number of used VUFDs, or in the case of concurrent usage, the maximum number of concurrent running VUFDs, from the total number of licensed VUFDs.

  • VUFD licenses are considered Term Subscription licenses, valid for 24 hours after the first execution. VUFD licenses also expire one (1) year after the date of purchase, if not consumed.

  • Support is included in VUFD licenses, but there is no rehosting of the licenses
  • For the calculation of VUFDs consumed in a VUFD license, you can specify at what time each new day begins. LoadRunner Enterprise determines the maximum number of Vusers that ran during the 24-hour period after the start time.

Example of VUFD license usage:

A user has a license that allows him to run 1,000 VUFDs. He creates a performance test that requires 200 Vusers and runs for 45 minutes. He runs the test at 8:00 am, 10:00 am, 2:00 pm, and at 4:00 pm. In each case, the test finishes before the next one begins. Because there is no concurrent Vuser usage, he can re-use the same 200 VUFDs for each test run, meaning that at the end of the 24-hour period, only 200 VUFDs are deducted from the license, leaving 800 for future use.

However, if the user starts the second run at 8:30 am, the first test is still running before the second test initializes. This overlap requires 400 Vusers to run concurrently (200 for each test). At the end of the day, 400 VUFDs are deducted from the license, because that is the highest number of concurrent Vusers. The total left for future use is 600 VUFDs.


The Host license defines the limits of Vuser use per protocol on the host. There are two host license Vuser types:

  • <bundle type> Bundle. Each bundle contains a collection of protocols. When you select a protocol bundle, this section displays a list of included protocols.
  • Global. The global license lets you run all Vuser types, provided you stay within the total limit. The number following "Global" indicates the total number of Vusers purchased.


  • The LoadRunner Enterprise and Host licenses are configured directly after installation of the LoadRunner Enterprise server. For details, see View the Licenses page below.

  • You can run VUFDs on OpenText developed protocols, with the exception of: COM/DCOM, VB Com, VB Vuser, VB Script Vuser, VB.NET Vuser, and VB.NET Template.

  • You cannot run VUFDs on SDK protocols.

  • You cannot run VUFDs on a GUI Vuser script, such as UFT Professional scripts.

  • When using a VUFD based LoadRunner Enterprise license, a Host license is not relevant.

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Set license keys

This section describes how to set LoadRunner Enterprise license keys.

  1. Obtain your license keys.

    When upgrading from Performance Center 12.6x or LoadRunner Enterprise 2020, you need to request (and upload) new licenses to work with the upgraded LoadRunner Enterprise version.

    To obtain a LoadRunner Enterprise license:

    • If you have a valid order number or subscription name (SAID), go to the Software Licenses and Downloads (SLD) portal (requires login) to get software downloads and license keys for LoadRunner Enterprise 202x.

    • If you are an existing customer, click the Update link available on the portal to get new license key(s) required for version 202x.

    For more information, see the instructions provided in the portal's Contact Us / Self Help page.

  2. Activate your license keys.

    Select your account in the Software Licenses and Downloads (SLD) portal, and follow the on screen instructions to activate your licenses.

    Note: If you are using the community license bundle installed with LoadRunner Enterprise, license activation is not required.

  3. Set your license keys.

    You can set the licenses from the following areas:

    1. In LoadRunner Enterprise Administration, select Configuration > Licenses. The Licenses page opens. For details, see View the Licenses page.

    2. Click Add License . In the New Licenses page, click Upload adjacent to the Load from File box and select a license file to upload. The file must be in .xml format. You can install multiple license keys simultaneously from a file.

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View license status on hosts

When you add a new host license, the process that sets the new license on all of the LoadRunner Enterprise hosts runs asynchronously as a separate background process. This means that the Add License operation completes immediately and successfully, even if there are failures setting the new license on some of the hosts.

If there is no event log entry, it means that the operation has not yet been performed on that machine.

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View the Licenses page

In LoadRunner Enterprise Administration, select Configuration > Licenses.

User interface elements are described below:

UI Elements


LoadRunner Enterprise

Displays a summary of all valid LoadRunner Enterprise licenses.

  • Total Vusers. Total Vusers of all licenses.
  • Total Concurrent Runs. The total number of test runs that can run simultaneously.

You can view details of each LoadRunner Enterprise license in the LoadRunner Enterprise Licenses section.


Displays details for all VUFD-based licenses.

  • Total Purchased VUFDs. Total number of purchased VUFDs.
  • Total Remaining. Total number of remaining VUFDs.
  • Unassigned to Projects. Total number of unassigned VUFDs.

Provides a summary of the protocol bundles and capacity details for all valid host licenses.

You can view details of each license bundle in the Host Licenses section.

Add License

Enables you to add a license provided you have the required permissions.

Load from File. Enables you to install multiple license keys simultaneously from a file. The file must be in .xml format.

Show/Hide Obsolete

Displays or hides obsolete and invalid licenses (obsolete and invalid licenses are hidden by default).

Note: When upgrading from LoadRunner Enterprise 2020.x to 2021 or later, licenses are migrated but they are obsolete. Click Show Obsolete to display obsolete and invalid licenses in the LoadRunner Enterprise Licenses list; these licenses are indicated as "Invalid" in the Host Licenses list.

License Details Displays the license type, license key, and the date the license was added to the system. To export this information to Excel, see Manage licenses.
LoadRunner Enterprise Licenses
  • Expiration Date. The expiration date of the license.
  • Vusers. The number of Vusers.
  • Concurrent Runs. The maximum number of test runs that can run simultaneously.
  • <License details>. Click to display the license details.

    • Date Assigned. The date the license was added to the system.

    • Valid From. The date from which the license is valid.

    • License Key. The license key.

Host Licenses
  • <Filter>. Click the drop-down arrow to select a license bundle.

  • Expiration Date. The expiration date and time of the license.

  • License Bundle. Indicates the name of the Vuser protocol bundle to which the license applies. The license enables the Controller to run Vusers of any protocol that is included in the protocol bundle.
  • Capacity. Indicates the limit for running Vusers on LoadRunner Controller applicable for this license.

  • <License details>. Click to display the license details.

    • Date Assigned. The date the license was added to the system.

    • Valid From. The date from which the license is valid.

    • License Key. The license key.

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Delete licenses

You can delete LoadRunner Enterprise server licenses (not Host licenses) through the user interface.

  1. In LoadRunner Enterprise Administration, select Configuration > Licenses.

  2. Select the LoadRunner Enterprise Administration server licenses that you want to delete and click Remove License.

  3. Click Yes to confirm. The selected licenses are deleted from the LoadRunner Enterprise Licenses list.

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Demo request

Interested in what LoadRunner Enterprise can do for your organization? Request a Demo and learn more about the capabilities of LoadRunner Enterprise.

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