What's new in LoadRunner Enterprise 2021 – 2021 R2

Check out the new features and improvements for LoadRunner Enterprise 2021, 2021 R1, and 2021 R2.

Note: LoadRunner Enterprise uses various LoadRunner Professional tools. For details of what's new in LoadRunner Professional, see the LoadRunner Professional What's New.

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Watch the What's New in LoadRunner Enterprise 2021, 2021 R1, and 2021 R2 videos:

What's New in 2021 R2

What's New in 2021 R1

What's New in 2021

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What's new in LoadRunner Enterprise 2021 R2

LoadRunner Enterprise 2021 R2 contains the following new features and enhancements.

Monitors and Analysis templates modernization

This release includes the following updates:

  • The Monitors and Analysis Templates modules are now updated with a modern user interface and use the latest technologies. This is part of ongoing modernization to LoadRunner Enterprise. For details, see Monitors and Analysis templates.

  • Added a context menu for managing resources in the Resources tree. For details, see View or edit monitor details.

Project management updates

This release includes the following project management updates:

Viewing results

This release includes the following enhancements for viewing results:

  • Test result data (group status, transactions, and messages) is now automatically uploaded to the project repository at the end of the run, enabling you to view run results offline without the need for a Controller. For details, see View finished test run results offline.

  • Added an option to sort messages by column values in online and offline results. For details, see Sort by.

  • Added an option to customize the time zone for online and offline results. For details, see Graphs view (online results) and View run measurements and results (offline results).

Secure communication (TLS/SSL)

Added the option to configure the LoadRunner Enterprise server to communicate using a secured TLS/SSL connection as part of the Configuration wizard. For details, see Installation.

File repository reports

Added reports to track file repository usage and see how much storage space is used for each project.

Alert enhancements

This release includes the following alert enhancements:

Web Page Diagnostics

Added support for Web Page Diagnostics. For details, see Enable Web Page Diagnostics.

License management update

Tenant Admin users now have read-only permissions on the Licenses module, except for license keys which are hidden. They also have restricted privileges on public hosts. For details, see Predefined admin roles.

CloudBurst load generator update

Added support for Java protocols to CloudBurst load generators.

Note: CloudBurst load generators are no longer supported in LoadRunner Enterprise.

Maintenance task update

When running the Check Host maintenance task, you can now limit the number of concurrent check host operations. This reduces load on IIS and the LoadRunner Enterprise server, and improves system response time and performance. For details, see Check Host Task.

REST APIs LoadRunner Enterprise REST APIs now include the following updates:
  • Support for setting a trend range for automatic trend reports. For details, see Trend Reports in the LoadRunner Enterprise REST API Reference.

What's new in LoadRunner Enterprise 2021 R1

LoadRunner Enterprise 2021 R1 contains the following new features and enhancements.

SSO support enhancements

You can now use SSO to authenticate VuGen, Analysis, and Entity Unlocker to LoadRunner Enterprise when SSO authentication is enabled on the LoadRunner Enterprise server. This gives you a secure connection to LoadRunner Enterprise using a single set of credentials.

For details, see Integrations.

API key authentication

You can now use API access keys to provide a secure authentication mechanism for external applications accessing LoadRunner Enterprise's API. Applications that need authentication include:

  • LoadRunner Enterprise's CI and Application Automation Tool plugins: Git, Bamboo, TeamCity, Jenkins, and Azure DevOps.

  • Other third party applications and APIs that need to integrate with LoadRunner Enterprise, such as those that are located behind a firewall.

For details, see Set up API access.

Trend report modernization

The trend report feature was simplified and given a modern look and feel.

You can use the new interface to more easily create reports, manage test runs trended in reports, and add trend views and customized categories to reports.

For details, see Define a trend report.

Hosts module modernization

The Hosts module interface is now updated using the latest technologies. This is part of ongoing modernization to LoadRunner Enterprise. For details, see Manage hosts.

Selenium scripts

Selenium scripts are now supported in LoadRunner Enterprise performance tests.

For details, see Selenium tests.

Note: This feature is currently available as tech preview.

Entity Unlocker improvements

Administrators now have more options with the Entity Unlocker application.

  • They can unlock entities locked by any user on a specific domain and project.

  • They can manage the frequency and timeout settings of the automatic unlocking task from System Health.

In addition, the Entity Unlocker is now supported when LoadRunner Enterprise is configured with SSO authentication. For details, see SSO authentication.

DevWeb script enhancements

You can now use auto-complete to select functions when editing a DevWeb script within LoadRunner Enterprise.

For details, see DevWeb tests.

Silk Performer integration enhancements

You can now define log runtime settings for Silk Performer scripts within LoadRunner Enterprise.

For details, see Silk Performer tests.

System health enhancements

When running the check host maintenance task, you now have the ability to exclude specific hosts.

For details, see Schedule automated maintenance tasks.

Help Center Share button

The Help Center toolbar now include a new Share page button :

  • You can share help topics on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, or by email.

  • You can also copy the topic link to the clipboard and paste it in other applications.

What's new in LoadRunner Enterprise 2021

LoadRunner Enterprise 2021 contains the following new features and enhancements.

Create a project based on an existing one

You can now create a new project by copying the contents and test assets of an existing project.

For details, see Create a project from an existing project.

Service Virtualization monitor

Added support for measuring statistics related to service virtualization during your test run. This monitor supports measuring simulated services on both Windows and Linux environments.

For details, see Service Virtualization monitor.

Dynatrace Managed monitor

Added support for Dynatrace Managed monitors, in addition to the existing Dynatrace SaaS and AppMon monitors.

For details, see Dynatrace SaaS and Managed monitors.

JMeter script enhancements

The enhancements for JMeter tests enable you to:

  • Run tests with the embedded JMeter installation—no additional installation required.

  • Control the number of Vusers and their scheduling during a test run.

  • View results for JMeter scripts in the Web Resources Hits per Second and Throughput graphs.

  • Define additional runtime settings for JMeter.

For details, see JMeter tests.

Gatling script enhancements

The enhancements for Gatling tests enable you to:

  • Run tests with the embedded Gatling installation—no additional installation required.

  • Control the number of Vusers and their scheduling during a test run.

  • View results for both single HTTP requests and for group of requests, in transaction graphs.

  • View results for Gatling scripts in the Web Resources Throughput graph.

  • Define additional runtime settings for Gatling.

For details, see Gatling tests.

Alert enhancements

This release includes the following alerting enhancements:

  • Receive alert notifications when test hosts become non-operational.

  • View alert notifications in a new email template.

For details, see Alert rules.

Cloud test enhancements

This release includes the following enhancements to cloud tests:

  • Added an account category: Standard Cloud or Government Cloud US for Amazon Web Services, and Global Cloud or Government Cloud US for Microsoft Azure Cloud. For details, see Add a cloud account.

  • Added the ability to use private IP addresses when provisioning hosts with a cloud template. For details, see Create an elastic cloud host template.

  • Updated the Initializing Run screen with a modern user interface where you can view the provisioning status and location of your cloud hosts. For details, see Initialization steps.

Silk Performer integration

LoadRunner Enterprise now integrates with OpenText Silk Performer. This new integration enables you to save and run Silk Performer scripts in LoadRunner Enterprise tests, and view results in the LoadRunner Enterprise graphs.

For details, see Silk Performer tests.

Multi-tenancy enhancements

Added the following new features for multi-tenant environments to the Site Management console:

  • Ability to reconfigure hosts. For details, see Reconfigure hosts.

  • Ability to restore tenants that were removed or copied from another environment. For details, see Remove and restore tenants.

  • Ability to upgrade tenants to a later version of LoadRunner Enterprise. For details, see Upgrade tenants.

Multilingual support enhancements

Added support for displaying Spanish and Italian in the user interface.

For details, see Log onto LoadRunner Enterprise and Log on to LoadRunner Enterprise Administration.

See also: