Upgrade projects to a new version
This section describes the process required for working with projects from previous versions.
Note: When upgrading from 12.6x or later, you need to request and upload new licenses to work with the upgraded version. For details, see Set license keys.
In this topic:
Upgrade versions
The following tables describe how to upgrade projects from earlier versions. Note that not all projects can be upgraded directly to the latest version.
From version: | To latest version: |
2020 or later |
For details, see Upgrade projects to the latest version. |
12.6x |
Direct migration to 25.x is not supported. Instead, you must migrate to version 2023, and then upgrade to the latest version. For details, see Migrate projects. |
Back up projects
When you run the upgrade process, changes are performed on your projects to align them with the specifications for the current version.
Before upgrading, we recommend creating a back up of your Site Admin and Lab DB schemas to safeguard against any unexpected changes during the upgrade process.
If the upgrade fails, restore backed-up projects before trying the upgrade process again.
To back up the project database schema on the database server:
Oracle database. For information on backing up a schema on an Oracle database, see the relevant KB article.
Microsoft SQL database. For information on backing up a schema on a Microsoft SQL database, see this KB article.
Note: In the Modifying "td" User Ownership in Microsoft SQL Server section of the KB article, instead of 'td', use the Database User Credentials that you provided in the OpenText Enterprise Performance Engineering Configuration wizard. For details, see Install.
To back up the project data in the file system:
In the file system, ensure that all data, including automated tests scripts and results, and attachments, is saved in the project directory under the repository defined during the installation. Make a copy of this project directory including all sub-directories and files.
Upgrade projects to the latest version
This task describes how to upgrade projects to the latest version. You can upgrade projects that were migrated from OpenText Application Quality Management (ALM), or that were created in OpenText Enterprise Performance Engineering 2020 or later.
Direct migration to 25.x is not supported. Instead, you must migrate to version 2023, and then upgrade to the latest version.
For details on migrating projects from OpenText Application Quality Management, see Migrate projects. When migrating projects, they are automatically migrated to version 2023.
Make sure the latest OpenText Enterprise Performance Engineering version is installed on the servers, hosts, and load generators. For details, see the Installation Guide (available from Install).
Tip: We recommend making a back up your projects before you upgrade your projects. For details, see Back up projects.
On the Administration sidebar, select Management > Projects. The Projects page opens, displaying a list of projects with their current state.
Project State Description Not Migrated/Upgraded The project has not been migrated, or has not been upgraded to the latest version.
Note: If the installation is upgraded to a later version, all projects in
state automatically revert to theNot Upgraded
state until they have been upgraded to the latest version.Pending Migration/Upgrade The project is queued for migration or upgrade. Migrating/Upgrading Project migration or upgrade is in progress. Completed The project has been migrated or upgraded to the latest version.
Failed An error occurred during file migration or upgrade, and could not be completed. Check the cause of the error in the project log (see View upgrade issues). Fix the error, and run the migration process again.
In the Projects list, select the projects you want to upgrade (they must be in Not Upgraded state).
Click Upgrade Projects to start the project upgrade process.
Only one project can be upgraded at a time. Projects that are triggered and waiting for upgrade are put in a queue until the current one has finished.
After an upgrade is complete, the Project Status and Project State are updated to reflect the upgrade state. Only projects that are in
state are available.If there are script upgrade or repository errors, a warning is added to the log file. For details, see View upgrade issues.
For more details on project settings, see View or edit project settings.
View upgrade issues
To view upgrade events associated with the project, select an upgraded project and click the Logs tab. The log displays the step name, start and end time, status, and the text of the log generated during the upgrade process. For task details, see View the project log.
There are several possible causes for warnings:
One or more project files were not found in the project repository. This can result from missing or renamed files.
Redundant files are found in the repository. The upgrade cannot complete until the legacy repository is empty of files. Redundant files can be one of the following:
Duplicate project files that could not be deleted. This can result from insufficient permissions.
Files unrelated that were manually saved in the project repository.
Unidentified project files.
See also: