This topic describes how to create and configure monitor profiles, which can be used by any performance test in your project, to monitor server resources during a performance test run.
Monitors overview
You monitor performance test runs using the online monitors. The collected measurement data is displayed in the online graphs during a test run, and a summary is available at the conclusion of the performance test.
The online monitors are divided into:
Monitors enabled by default. These monitors automatically begin monitoring at the start of a performance test.
Monitors requiring configuration. To monitor server resources, you must configure the monitor settings for a performance test. You select the type of monitors to run, the servers whose resources you want to monitor, and add the measurements to monitor for each server. These monitor settings can then be saved as a monitor profile that can be used by any performance test in your project.
You can also use Analysis, the LoadRunner Professional tool for gathering and presenting load test data, for any of the monitors. Analysis provides graphs and reports, enabling you to view and understand the data, and analyze system performance after a test run. For details, see the OpenText Professional Performance Engineering Help Center.
Note: When configuring a monitor, refer to the Support Matrix for a list of the supported server name formats, such as IPv4, IPv6, or FQDN.
Create a monitor profile
This task describes how to create and configure a monitor profile.
Requirement | Description |
Configure the monitoring environment on the server machine |
To use the Citrix, Network Delay Time, Oracle, or UNIX monitor, you must first install or configure monitoring components on the server machine. For details, see the specific monitoring sections. |
Use a proxy server |
If your monitor accesses a server outside of your internal network, you may need to set up a web proxy to collect data from it. To do this:
Step 1: Select or create a resources folder
In the resources tree, select a resources folder for the monitor profile or create a new folder.
To create a new resources folder:
In the banner, click the module name or the arrow and select Monitors (under Assets).
In the resources tree, select a folder in which you want to add the new folder.
Click the New Folder button
and enter a name for the monitor resources folder.
Step 2: Create a monitor profile
Select the folder in which you want to add the monitor, and click the New Monitor Profile button
. Make sure Monitor Profile is selected.
Enter a name and description (optional) for the monitor profile, and click OK. An empty monitor profile is added to the selected resources folder.
You can add or edit the monitor profile description at any time by clicking the Asset Description button
. A notification dot indicates that the profile has a description.
Select the monitor profile you just added and click the New Monitor button
. Select the monitor type that you want to add, and click Next. For the list of available monitors, see Monitors requiring configuration.
Enter the monitor details, and click Get Counters. The fields in this page vary according to the monitor type selected.
You can use the Search button
to search for counters by name. Enter the name (or part of the name) in the search box. All counters that contain the search string are displayed.
Note: The search is limited to expanded tree nodes only.
Select the counters that you want to monitor, and click Add Counters
. The counters are added to the Selected Counters pane.
Click Save to add the monitor details to the monitor profile.
After creating a monitor profile, the monitor details (monitor type, the server whose resources are being monitored, and the number of counters being monitored) are displayed in the Monitors tab for the monitor profile.
Step 3: Associate monitors with your test
In the banner, click the module name or the arrow and select Test Management > Tests & Scripts.
Select a performance test in the test management tree and click Edit Test.
In the Performance Test Designer window, click the Assets tab and select Monitors.
Click the Assign Monitors button
. Select the monitors or monitor folder to assign to your test, and click Select. The selected monitors are added to the Monitors grid for the test.
You can remove monitors from a test at any time by selecting the monitors you want to remove, and clicking the Remove button
To view details of a monitor profile, click the Name link.
View or edit monitor details
You can perform the following actions from the monitors grid for a monitor profile.
You can also use the context menu in the Resources tree to manage resources. You can cut, copy, paste, delete, and rename resources and resource folders. You can also create new resources and resource folders, and collapse all folder nodes.
In addition, you can select a resources folder and click the ID link of a selected resource (monitor profile, MOFW profile, or Analysis template) to view the resource's details.
Copy a monitor to other monitor profiles
You can copy a monitor from one monitor profile to another, to multiple profiles, or to all monitor profiles in a resources folder.
Select a monitor and click the Copy Monitor button
In the Copy Monitor To dialog box, select the monitor profiles or resources folder to which you want to paste the selected monitor, and click OK.
Create a monitor over firewall agent profile
This section explains how to create a monitor over firewall profile and assign an agent to use in your performance test.
You must define monitor over firewall agents in the system before you can select them to monitor a test. For details, see the Installation Guide (available from Install).
Select a resources folder
Select a resources folder for the monitor over firewall agent, or create a new folder. To create a new folder:
In the banner, click the module name or the arrow and select Monitors (under Assets).
Click the New Folder button
and enter a name for the monitor resources folder.
Create a new monitor over firewall agent
Click the New Monitor Profile button
, and select Monitor Profile Over Firewall.
In the New Monitor Profile dialog box, enter a name and machine key for the monitor over firewall agent, and select the MI Listener with which the monitor is to connect.
Click Save. The monitor over firewall agent details are added to the monitor over firewall profile.
To edit a monitor over firewall profile, click the Edit button and update the details as required.
Associate the monitor over firewall agent with your test
In the banner, click the module name or the arrow and select Test Management > Tests & Scripts. Select a performance test in the test management tree, and click Edit Test.
In the Performance Test Designer window, click the Assets tab and select Monitors.
Click the Assign Monitors button
. Select the monitor over firewall to assign to your test, and click Select. The selected monitor over firewall agent is added to the Monitors grid for the test.
For more details, see the firewall section in the Installation Guide (available from Install).
Troubleshoot monitors
This section provides information on troubleshooting monitors.
Problem | Cause / Resolution |
Unable to create a monitor |
This problem can occur with Windows Resource, Microsoft IIS, SQL Server, or Microsoft ASP monitors when:
Cause The server sends messages to the monitored server using the SMB2 protocol. This protocol uses the supplied user credentials for the session initialization. However, the monitored machine sends another authentication request to the client, and the client sends the credentials of the user running the process that initiated the connection (the system user account, or IUSR_METRO by default).
Some monitors do not display data |
Cause This problem can occur with PDH monitors, which include Windows Resources, MS IIS, SQL Server, Citrix Server, and Microsoft ASP. These monitor require a NET USE connection to retrieve measurement data. When you select measurements or counters to monitor, the MonitorClient.exe process on the LoadRunner Agent machine uses the logged in user’s NET USE to connect to the application under test (AUT). However, during the performance test run, the LoadRunner Agent invokes the MonitorServer.exe process to retrieve data from the AUT using the local user, IUSR_METRO. This means there is no NET USE connection between the Monitor Over Firewall machine and the AUT during the test run, resulting in no measurement data being received on the PDH monitors. Resolution Ensure that the magentservice.exe on the Monitor Over Firewall machine is installed with the same user that you used to log on when you selected measurements or counters to monitor. Perform the following steps on the Monitor Over Firewall Machine:
Deactivating automatic host monitors |
Cause The host monitors feature automatically configures basic Windows monitor data for all the machines involved in a performance test (except for Dockerized and Cloud load generators and OFW machines). This data (CPU, disk space, and memory) is available during a performance test run in the online graphs, or afterwards when collating and analyzing the results. In environments where the network ports are closed, this feature may cause a significant slowdown when starting a performance test run. Resolution Deactivate the host monitors. In the Groups and Workload tab, click the Test Options button |
See also: