Dynatrace SaaS and Managed monitors

Dynatrace monitors enable the monitoring of resources, processes, and services in an application environment. These monitors give the Controller access to data measured by Dynatrace SaaS, a cloud-based APM tool, and Dynatrace Managed, the on-premises model.

Prepare for Dynatrace monitoring

The Dynatrace SaaS and Dynatrace Managed monitors connect directly to the Dynatrace environment and collect data without requiring a performance test.

If you are using Dynatrace Managed, install it as described in the Dynatrace Managed documentation. The Dynatrace Managed monitor is supported on a variety of Linux platforms.

To set up Dynatrace monitoring, the following is required:

  • An active Dynatrace SaaS account.

  • Dynatrace environment ID. The monitoring environment is where all Dynatrace performance analysis take place. The environment ID is designated by a segment (<your_environment_ID>.live.dynatrace.com) of the Dynatrace environment URL for Dynatrace SaaS, and <your_domain>/e/<your-environment-id> for Dynatrace Managed.

  • Dynatrace API token. The API token grants access to the Dynatrace API, which the Controller uses to query your Dynatrace SaaS environment. Once you have created a token for your environment, it remains the same for every use, unless you change or delete it.

    Tip: Save the environment ID and the API token codes so that you can easily copy them when needed.

To create an API token for your Dynatrace environment:

  1. In your Dynatrace account, go to Settings > Integration > Dynatrace API.

  2. Click Generate token.

  3. Enter a meaningful token name.

  4. In the list of token options, enable Access problems and event feed, metrics, and topology under API v1, and Read metrics under API v2.

    This option enables the Controller to request and receive data from Dynatrace.

  5. Scroll down, and click Generate.

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Set up the Dynatrace SaaS or Dynatrace Managed monitor

This task describes how to set up the Dynatrace SaaS or Dynatrace Managed monitor.

Note: When the Controller queries Dynatrace for available hosts (Get Hosts), only hosts that have been active in the last hour are taken into account. Therefore, make sure the clock on the OpenText Enterprise Performance Engineering machine is set to the correct time.

To set up the monitor:

  1. Prerequisites

    • For the supported server versions, see the Integrations section of the System Requirements guide.

    • If your monitor accesses a server outside of your internal network, you may need to set up a web proxy to collect data from it. For details, see Use a proxy server.

  2. Select a resources folder.

    Select a resources folder for the monitor profile in the resources tree, or create a new folder as follows:

    1. In the banner, click the module name or the arrow and select Assets > Monitors.

    2. Click the New Folder button New Folder button and enter a name for the monitor resources folder.

  3. Create a monitor profile.

    1. Click the New Monitor Profile button New Monitor Profile button, and make sure Monitor Profile is selected.

    2. Enter a name and optional description for the monitor profile, and click Save. An empty monitor profile is added to the selected resources folder.

    3. Select the monitor profile you just added and click the Add Monitor button Add button.

    1. In the Monitor Type Selection tab, select the select Dynatrace SaaS or Dynatrace Managed monitor type and click Next.

    2. In the Monitor Definition tab, enter the server details.

      UI Elements



      Your Dynatrace environment ID, in the format:

      • For Dynatrace SaaS: <your_environment_id>.live.dynatrace.com

      • For Dynatrace Managed: <your_domain>/e/<your-environment-id>


      The token string generated by your Dynatrace user account. See create an API token for your Dynatrace environment above.


      Select the host that collects data.

      Note: If using more than one host, you need to add each one separately by repeating steps 3c-d.

    3. Click Get Counters to display a list of available metrics and counters per metric from the selected Dynatrace SaaS/Managed host.

      Select the measurements that you want to monitor, and then click Right arrow to add the counters to the Selected Counters table.

      Note: The Dynatrace SaaS/Managed monitor has a recommended limit of 50 metrics. See Known issues.

    4. Click Save. The monitor details are displayed in the Monitors tab for the selected monitor profile.

  4. Associate the monitor with your test.

    For details, see Step 3: Associate monitors with your test.

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Known issues

The following are known issues when using the Dynatrace monitors:

  • If the Dynatrace SaaS monitor does not collect data from the different measurements, the Dynatrace SaaS graph is not displayed in the online screen.

  • The Dynatrace API has an access limit of 50 requests per minute. Therefore, do not select more than 50 measurements in total, for all the hosts combined.

    The Selected Measurements box prevents you from selecting more than 50 metrics for one host, but does not prevent you from exceeding this number when setting up metrics for multiple hosts (such as 40 metrics on one host and 20 metrics on another). If the limit is exceeded, some of the data might not be received.

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See also: