Runtime Settings

The elements of the run status XML and JSON are:


Optional. Use when defining Java environment runtime settings (for instance, for JUnit scripts).

  • JavaEnvClassPaths: (string) - A list of classpath entries.

  • UserSpecifiedJdk (boolean) - false = "Use internal logic to locate JDK". true = "Use specified JDK". If this field is 'true', then 'JdkHome' must contain a value.

  • JdkHome (string) - The JDK installation path.

  • JavaVmParameters (string) - List the Java command line parameters here. These parameters may be any Java VM argument. The common arguments are the debug flag (-verbose) or memory settings (-ms, -mx). In additional, you may also pass properties to Java applications in the form of a -D flag.

  • UseXboot (boolean) - Instructs VuGen to add the Classpath before the Xbootclasspath (prepend the string).

  • EnableClassLoaderPerVuser (boolean) - Loads each Vuser using a dedicated class loader (runs Vusers as threads).

See Example runtime settings for a Java protocol.



Available in versions: 2021 and later

Optional. Use when defining runtime settings for a group with a JMeter script when using a custom JRE installation.

  • JREPath:Path to the JRE folder.

  • AdditionalParameters: Any additional parameters to be passed to Java when the test starts.

Available in versions: 2020-2020 SP3 only

Optional. Use when defining runtime settings for a group with a JMeter script.

  • StartMeasurements: Mandatory field (true/false)

  • JMeterHomePath: Optional field (string)

  • JMeterUseDefaultPort: Mandatory field (true/false)

  • JMeterMinPort: Mandatory field if JMeterUseDefaultPort=true (integer)

  • JMeterMaxPort: Mandatory field if JMeterUseDefaultPort=true (integer)

See Example runtime settings for a JMeter script.


Optional: The Log Type attribute is one of:

  • Type="ignore"
  • Type="standard"
  • Type="extended"

Restrictions by type:

  • ignore. No contained elements: <Logtype="ignore" />

  • standard. Pass the LogOptions element. Do not pass other elements.

  • extended. Pass the LogOptions element. Optional: Pass any combination of ParametersSubstitution, DataReturnedByServer, and AdvanceTrace.

Log/AdvanceTracetrue or false
Log/DataReturnedByServertrue or false

The LogOptions Type attribute is one of:

  • Type="on error"
  • Type="always"

If Type="on error", CacheSize is required.

Log/LogOptions/CacheSizeInteger 1-100.
Log/ParametersSubstituiontrue or false
PacingOptional: Number or iterations the script will run and required delay between iterations.
Pacing/StartNewIterationThe StartNewIteration Type attribute is one of:
  • Type="immediately"
  • Type="fixed delay"
  • Type="random delay"
  • Type="fixed interval"
  • Type="random interval"

Restrictions by type:

  • immediately. No contained elements: <StartNewIteration type="immediately" />

  • fixed delay. DelayAtRangeOfSeconds is mandatory. Do not pass other fields.

  • random delay. DelayAtRangeOfSeconds is mandatory. Do not pass other fields.

  • fixed interval. DelayAtRangeOfSeconds and DelayAtRangeToSeconds are mandatory.

  • random interval. DelayAtRangeOfSeconds and DelayAtRangeToSeconds are mandatory.

Pacing/StartNewIteration/DelayAtRangeOfSecondsNon-negative real number less than DelayAtRangeToSeconds.
Pacing/StartNewIteration/DelayAtRangeToSecondsNon-negative real number

Optional. Use when defining runtime settings for a group with a Selenium script.

  • JREPath: Optional field (string). Use the specified JDK during replay.

  • ClassPath: Optional field (string). Enables you to specify the location of additional classes that were not included in the Classpath variable, which may be needed to run Java applications and ensure proper replay.

  • TestNgFiles: Optional field (string). Enables you to specify the location of TestNG related XML or JSON files that describe the structure of the test. Only the entry point XMLs or JSONs are needed to be specified, separated by a semicolon (";"). The referenced XMLs or JSONs will be picked up automatically.

See Example runtime settings for a Selenium script.


Optional: The ThinkTime Type attribute is one of:

  • Type="ignore"
  • Type="replay"
  • Type="modify"
  • Type="random"

Restrictions by type:

  • ignore. No contained elements: <ThinkTime type="ignore" />

  • replay. LimitThinkTimeSeconds is allowed. Do not pass other fields.

  • modify. LimitThinkTimeSeconds and MultiplyFactor are allowed. Do not pass other fields.

  • random. LimitThinkTimeSeconds MinPercentage and MaxPercentage are allowed. Do not pass other fields.

  • ThinkTime/LimitThinkTimeSeconds. Optional. Positive integer. Invalid if ThinkTime Type is ignored.

  • ThinkTime/MaxPercentage. Positive integer.

  • ThinkTime/MinPercentage. Positive integer.

  • ThinkTime/MultiplyFactor. The recorded think time is multiplied by this factor at runtime.

Note: When creating a new test with a DevWeb script using a REST API and you provide Runtime Setting values, the script's Runtime Settings for this group are used instead of those provided in the body of the REST API request.

Note: Runtime settings data provided in the request overrides the data in the system. For group RTS, only a few values (Pacing, Log, and ThinkTime) are displayed via the REST request. All remaining runtime settings are reset to the script's default settings.

See Also

Group runtime settings
Create a test