POST: Create an attachment
This topic provides instructions for using the POST operation to add an attachment.
To create an attachment instance, perform a POST on the attachment collection, passing either:
A JSON string
An octet-stream
Note: Bulk POSTs are not supported.
Attachments contain two different types of data that can be posted:
The attachment entity details.
The attachment’s binary content. The binary content is generally created using client tools or libraries, not using a text editor.
The REST API supports content types of multipart/form-data and octet-stream data.
When supplying the attachment name in the request, extra spaces at the beginning or at the end of the file name are trimmed, and do not cause any errors.
You can specify a path for the attachment.
Create the attachment outside of OpenText Software Delivery Management using client tools or libraries.
POST the attachment to an entity. The attachment must have an owner, and you specify the owner using an "owner" fields such as owner_work_item or owner_test. For an example, see POST request for json attachments.
Tests: You can associate the attachment with specific test steps. You make this association by updating the test script with a PUT operation. For an example, see POST request of json attachment and PUT request to manual test steps .

When creating an attachment, we specify the item to which the attachment is associated. This can be any work item, and other items such as runs and run steps.
Note that the Content-Type is multipart/form-data, and it accepts application/json format.
While posting, we associate the attachment with an owner entity. In this example, the attachment is associated with a work_item whose ID is 1002.
*** Request ***
POST .../api/shared_spaces/<space_id>/workspaces/<workspace_id>/attachments
Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=a1b2c3d4 Accept: application/json --a1b2c3d4 Content-Disposition: form-data; name="entity" Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8 { "owner_work_item": { "id": 1002, "type": "work_item" }, "name": "attachment.png", "description": "This is attachment.png image file" } --a1b2c3d4 Content-Disposition: form-data; name="content"; filename="attachment.png" Content-Type: image/png Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAALAAAAAzCAIAAAC48RV/AAAAAXNSR0IArs4c6QAAAARnQU1BAACx jwv8YQUAAAAJcEhZcwAADsMAAA7DAcdvqGQAAALRSURBVHhe7ZjhUewwDITph3roh3qoh36OOLYc rSRHd445YNjv17Msr2R5J9y8lxshChqCADQEAWgIAtAQBKAhCEBDEICGIAANQQAaggA0BAFoCALQ EASgIQhAQxCAhiDAXzTE5/vrS+H1/bNFyDJoCAJ8gyE+3oLnCoOT/FZDrLzjj0FDrOM/G0LepNFn 0GaiefsIgzV/pCPAvuwqQ6h9fbZWLBFVuyX4iAJblS4LrVKsObh43UKUTtx8Uqiijh6YnDkmDBE2 07oJ5zIY1plOIdivm/HBjf4EQcUB6tXCQ72dpOjgjp6hjlTKbzfKOEZ3gVlDHLeVUfR2WgDbC4KJ TqRb/60GUo/3gKjJWZewkRzp5SSjJeRFRULf0eN0jmaN7qgQlpHd3sVFFvyGsHMI53LHsDClraKL ygyUmJF31fwREwn6w1HnRSMNT6CDoaxQ2+/bdn2RSUO0FjW9o3Aug2ENdYKxdLKRRdVcBEVkFYEZ J5q+akCg04vv1ksL4UrSf/AL0ftH+gXCuQTBU51gLJ10ZEE1F0GRQS87T/tC3GmIsNlVfpgwROvu aOGuufjguQ4OCclHNqx2RIyIP2HIi+YahbFOC6WFJL1zXvBBLhtC+j/aMgkVH0x0vG6J7MnpyOxy w0WMiC+3sQdNfyea5kY77lgvJHm2claoLXSRlUz8yZB7G44LYELr3AcznWh/F8vfxiw3XOTspYDW f17Udrwf7KEmMyzjEkaFYgE5fZm5H5X65vL/DOoCej8clwQzHby87ORvY5YbLhKI+GGrMedFCy1U qGF3TAVU8iOFbJOCOnCBOUOQaYL3fgg5rywkxlrylaAhnsxVQ/jPUv9i0BB/kVVfCMeavxg0xLO5 aoiC+vFRWfJtqNAQBKAhCEBDEICGIAANQQAaggA0BAFoCALQEASgIQhAQxCAhiAADUEAGoIANAQB aAgC0BBEcbt9ATZhuQV8mjteAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC --a1b2c3d4--
*** Response ***
{ "total_count": 1, "data": [{ "type": "attachment", "id": "1001" }], "exceeds_total_count": false }

The Content-Type is application/octet-stream. The request body contains the file stream. The request query contains the file name and a reference to the entity that will own the attachment.
*** Request ***
POST .../api/shared_spaces/<space_id>/workspaces/<workspace_id>/attachments?name=p01.jpg&owner_release={"type":"release","id":"1001"}
Content-Type: application/octet-stream
<@INCLUDE *C:\Downloads\p01.jpg*@>

The Content-Type is application/octet-stream. The request query contains the file name to upload and a reference to the entity that will own the attachment.
Note that this method allows you to set the attachment's name. In the following example, the uploaded file name was my_uploaded_image.jpg. It will be uploaded as an attachment with the name my_attached_image.jpg.
*** Login Request ***
curl -X POST \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -c cookies.txt \ -d "{\"user\":\"<username>\",\"password\":\"<password>\"}" "http://<server_name>:<port>/authentication/sign_in"
*** Upload Request ***
curl -X POST \ -H "Content-Type: application/octet-stream" \ -b cookies.txt \ --data-binary @C:/my_files/my_uploaded_image.jpg \ "http://<server_name>:<port>/api/shared_spaces/<shared_space_id>/workspaces/<work_space_id>/attachments? \ name=my_attached_image.jpg&owner_work_item=<work_item_id>"
See also: