View on-premises site license usage (technical preview)
Using the REST API, on-premises site admins can view the maximum number of users in the site working concurrently for a specific date range. For details on how this is calculated, see View concurrent site license usage.
To view the maximum number of users working concurrently in a site (for on-premises only), you must be authenticated as the site admin. For details, see Authentication.
Note that this report is available only for the concurrent license model (and not named).
Calculate site concurrent license usage
Maximum concurrent license usage for the entire site is calculated periodically. In addition, site admins can trigger the calculation on demand, using the following:
204 No Content
Define time units
You can view license used per day, week, or month. By default the last day is shown.
The meaning of time_unit is to return the maximum usage in the context of the time_unit requested. For example, asking for license usage in the weeks time unit generates a response containing one result per week, which is the date of the highest result of that week.
Asking for the months time_unit generates a response containing one (maximum) result for each month.
You can also use the time unit without specific dates, for example:
Example of viewing site usage
The site admin can view the maximum number of licenses in use concurrently per day, for the site.
GET .../admin/license_usage/?start_date=2019-10-17&end_date=2019-10-21
{ "license_usage": { "2019-10-17:00:00.000+0000": 61, "2019-10-18:00:00.000+0000": 72, "2019-10-19:00:00.000+0000": 53, "2019-10-20:00:00.000+0000": 64, "2019-10-21:00:00.000+0000": 74 } "start_date": "2019-10-17", "end_date": "2019-10-21", }
See also: