Receiving responses

This section provides instructions for receiving responses from the server.


Output is returned from the server in these ways:

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Response header

All supported output header fields follow the HTTP/1.1 protocol. Below you can find a list of the supported response header fields.

Header Name



  • Specifies which coding was applied on the response body.

  • Return coding must be a sub-list of the coding specified in the Accept-Encoding request header.



Content-Encoding: gzip


  • Specifies the media type that is being used for the response body.

  • Return media types must be a sub-list of the media types specified in the Accept request header.



Content-Type: application/json;q=0.9


  • Specifies the date and time at which the message was originated.

  • Date and time format follow the guidelines provided in RFC 1123.

Exception: Date response header might be omitted by the server when the following status code return: 100, 101, 500, 503



Date: Mon, 24 Mar 2014 12:11:05 GMT


  • Specifies the software used by the server to handle the request.

  • Forward proxies must not change this response header and must use the Via response header instead.


Server: Jetty


  • Specifies the proxy or gateway software that forwarded the request to the server.



Via: (Apache/2.1)

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Response body

By default, only the JSON representation is supported for all resource instances and resource collections.

JSON representations follow the ECMA-404 standard.

Response bodies for GET operations

Responses for GET operations generally include the following.

Fields Description
ID and type

The relevant ID and type fields, and other default fields. To see additional fields, see Select fields (fields).


The maximum number of items returned by the GET operation.

You can set this value using the MAX_PAGE_SIZE configuration parameter. For details, see Set configuration parameters.


This value indicates if the maximum number of items that can be returned by the GET operation has been reached. If the value is true, the GET response is partial.

Copy code
Example: GET response
    "total_count": 2,
    "data": [
            "type": "defect",
            "id": "1014"
            "type": "defect"
            "id": "1012"
    "exceeds_total_count": false

Response bodies for PUT, POST, and DELETE operations

Responses for GET operations generally include  the following.

Fields Description
ID and type

The relevant ID and type fields. To see additional fields, see Select fields (fields).


The maximum number of items returned by the GET operation.


This value might be included if an error is returned, and the error is of a business nature, such as a duplicate name, or an entity failing rule validation. For details, see Business error property.

Copy code
Example: POST response that shows an error
    "total_count": 2,
    "data": [

    "exceeds_total_count": false
"errors": [
      "error_code": "platform.duplicate_entity_error",
      "correlation_id": "gxwk4vw6l51k2bp30z6r6o5yd",
      "description": "A release with this name already exists.",
      "description_translated": "A release with this name already exists.",
      "properties": {
        "entity_type": "release",
       "message": "service=[CreateServiceImpl], 
                   token=[ReleaseEntityToken] has thrown an exception and 
                   terminated BL flow. See service result log message for details. 
                   Error=[Failed to add data to DB due to unique 
                   constraint violation with the following field names: 
                  [name, workspace_id] for release entity.]",

        "field_name": "name"
      "stack_trace": "",
      "business_error": true

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See also: