Create workspaces

Workspaces are individual work areas within a space. Each workspace represents a project or product.

Create workspaces

Every space has at least one active workspace, the default workspace. The original name of this workspace is default_workspace. It can be renamed, but cannot be deleted.

Space admins can create additional workspaces and assign workspace admins. The workspace admins can then configure the workspace.

To create a workspace:

  1. Open the Settings menu , click Spaces, and select a workspace.

  2. In the side pane, click the Add Workspace button . Name the workspace, add a description, and assign an admin for the workspace.

    Workspace names are unique within a space.

  3. Assign workspace members. Assign other roles to users as necessary. For details, see Assign and unassign roles.

    Tip: If you need to edit workspace content, for example to create releases or rules, you can assign the relevant roles to yourself.

  4. Assign yourself to the workspace.

    Click the name of the workspace to enter it. If you did not assign any roles to yourself for the workspace, you are prompted to assign yourself to the workspace. This makes you a workspace admin.

    Space admins have full permissions to manage any workspaces they are assigned to, including updating workspace content, regardless of the workspace admin's roles and permissions defined in Settings > Permissions.

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Activate and deactivate a workspace

Space admins can activate and deactivate workspaces.

Deactivating a workspace makes its data temporarily inaccessible. This operation can be undone by activating the workspace.

When a workspace is deactivated, the data is retained and can be made accessible again after the workspace is activated.

Reasons for deactivating a workspace

Here are some use cases for why you might want to deactivate a workspace: 

  • Put a project "on hold" temporarily, for example if no work is being done on a project. Deactivating the workspace retains the data, and you can activate the workspace if the project is prioritized again. Then you can continue working on it.

  • Access data for a project for auditing purposes only, before archiving it.

  • You are about to make a major project customization or maintenance change, and you do not want users to work on the project until the changes are completed.

Effects of deactivating a workspace

  • Users cannot access a deactivated workspace. It does not appear in the drop-down list in the banner. Similarly, REST API requests cannot access a deactivated workspace.

  • If the workspace a user last accessed is deactivated, the user is redirected to another one upon next login. If there is no active workspace available, the user is prompted to contact the admin.

  • In Settings > Spaces, deactivated workspaces are displayed as inactive with the suffix (Deprecated).

  • Admins with workspace permissions can still add users to deactivated spaces.

  • Data from a deactivated workspace still appears in cross-workspace graphs, as data from any workspace would. There is no indication that the graph contains data from a deactivated workspace. For details on cross-workspace graphs, see Cross-workspace reporting.

To deactivate a workspace:

  1. Open the Settings menu , click Spaces, and select a workspace.

  2. Click the Disable Workspace button .

  3. If prompted, give yourself administrative permissions for the workspace.

  4. If prompted, confirm that you do want to temporarily deactivate the workspace.

  5. To reactivate a workspace, select the workspace and click the Enable Workspace button .

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Delete a workspace

Space admins can delete workspaces. Deleting a workspace makes the workspace data inaccessible. For example, any data from the workspace that appeared in a cross-workspace graph is no longer displayed.

Every space has at least one active workspace, the default workspace. The original name of this workspace is default_workspace. It can be renamed, but cannot be deleted.

Prerequisite: To delete a workspace, you must have admin permissions for the workspace.

To delete a workspace:

  1. Open the Settings menu , click Spaces, and select a workspace.

  2. Select a workspace and click the Delete Workspace button .

  3. In the Delete Workspace dialog box, enter the delete reason (up to 50 characters), and confirm deleting the workspace.

If the workspace you last accessed is deleted, you are redirected to another one upon next login.

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Populate a workspace with demo data

You can populate a workspace with a large set of automatically created demo data for experimentation, to help you get started.

If you are working in a non-English environment, switch your locale to English to populate the system with demo data. After the demo data is populated, you can switch back to your locale.

Data population creates five demo users consuming five licenses. You can delete the demo users later and replace them with real users.


To populate a workspace with demo data:

  1. Open the Settings menu , click Spaces, and select a workspace.

  2. Click the Demo Data tab.

  3. Verify that you selected the correct workspace.

  4. Select the checkbox to confirm that you understand this action is irreversible and will significantly affect your system.

  5. Click the Populate button for the type of data you want to create.

    The data that you can create is limited by your role in the workspace. Therefore, different buttons are available based on your role.

When you are ready to use the system for your own data, create a new workspace and set it up according to your needs.

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Populate a workspace with GDPR, CCPA and POPIA data

You can also use Content Packs for GDPR, CCPA and POPIA to import real-life demo data. These contain the whole General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR, European Union), California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA, California) and Protection of Personal Information Act (POPIA, South Africa).

You can download the packs from the Marketplace at

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See also: