
Set up releases in the relevant shared space or workspace, and define their timeline and workforce.

Add releases

Add releases before defining the timeline.

Note: Non-admins require permissions to add releases.

In workspaces that are part of a shared space, space admins can create shared releases. Shared releases are available across all workspaces in a shared space.

Releases cannot be defined at the space level when the space is isolated. Instead, admins can define releases in individual workspaces.

Users of a specific workspace can access releases defined for their workspace, as well as releases defined at the space level in a shared space. If a release is defined on a workspace level, the release is only available for that workspace.

To add a release:

  1. Open the Release Management module .

  2. Go to the Releases tab.

  3. Click + Release.

    Expand the dropdown and select Shared Release to create a release that is shared across all the workspaces in the shared space.

  4. In the Add Release dialog box, define the following fields.

    Field Steps

    Provide an appropriate name for the release.

    Note: Within a shared space or a workspace, release names must be unique. However, a shared release may have the same name as a release defined for an associated workspace.

    You can also add a description and attach documents.


    Select the release type:

    • Includes sprints (e.g. Scrum)
    • No sprints (e.g. Kanban)

    Tip: As a shared space admin, or a workspace admin in an isolated space, you can adjust the names of release types to the methodology adopted by your team. To change the release type names, edit the Agile Type list items. For details, see Lists.

    Start date and End date

    Define start and end dates for the release.

    Sprint duration

    Scrum: Specify the duration of sprints in days or weeks.

  5. Click Add to add the release, and view the Releases grid.

    Click Add & Edit to go directly to the Release setup area, with the Details, Timeline, Teams, and Attachment tabs.

  6. To set the release as the default release, click the Set as Default Release button . For details, see Set the current and default releases.

Tip: To plan and automate your release workflow, create a release process. Click + Release Process to add a new process, or expand the dropdown and select Process from template to create a release process from an existing template. For details, see Create a release process.

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Update release information

After adding a release, edit the release details.

To update release details:

  1. Open the Release Management module .

  2. Go to the Releases tab.

  3. Click a release's ID to open the release.
  4. Update the necessary details.

    Details Steps
    Global release details

    On the Details tab of the release, change any of the following:

    • Start and end dates of the release.
    • Programs: Specify the programs to work on in the selected release.
    • Release descriptions.

    If you change the start or end dates of a release, the release's existing sprints are adjusted accordingly, so the sprints run consecutively from the beginning of the release. Extra sprints are automatically removed.


    On the Timeline tab, update the sprint details.

    When you open the Timeline tab for the first time, sprints are displayed based on the sprint length you specified when creating the release.

    • To create another sprint, in the toolbar, click + Sprint. Then, in the Add Sprint dialog box, provide the sprint name, and start/end dates for the sprint.

      Note: If you are adding another sprint after the end of the release, make sure to select the Add as a last sprint (expand release) check box. This adds the sprint to the end of the timeline and adjusts the release calendar.

    • To edit the sprint start and end dates, select a sprint block in the timeline and click Edit Sprint. In the Edit sprint dialog box, update the name, sprint start/end dates, and the assigned teams for that sprint.


    A milestone is a significant date that occurs during the release timeline. This can include things such as Code Freeze and Regression End.

    For details, see Milestones.


    To add or edit a team:

    1. On the Teams tab, click Assign teams.
    2. Select the teams to assign and click Add.

      By default, when you assign a team to a release, the team is assigned to all the release sprints.

    If you later need to update the list of teams assigned to a sprint:

    1. On the Timeline tab, select a sprint and click Edit Sprint.
    2. In the Edit sprint dialog box, in the Teams list, select the teams.

      Note: You can select only those teams that are already assigned to this sprint's release.

    Estimated velocity for a team

    For each team, enter the estimated velocity. Velocity is the number of story points you expect each team to finish during a sprint.

    1. On the Teams tab of a release, click a team's ID to open the team details.
    2. On the Details tab, in the estimated velocity field, enter the estimated number of story points.

      This change is reflected for all releases for the team.

    3. Click Save.

    The updated velocity is displayed in the Estimated velocity column of the Teams tab. The number for the velocity is also displayed in the Release Expected Capacity table on the Timeline tab.

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Set the current and default releases

In addition to using release names or numbers, a release can be defined as the current or default release.

The current release is set automatically based on the dates you enter for each release.

When a release is set as the default, the [Default] label is displayed with the release name. You can in set up filters, dashboard widgets, and rules based on the default release, and these are automatically updated when the default release value is updated.

You can set the default release automatically or manually:

  • By default, the current release is set as the default release.
  • To manually set a default release, set the default in the release list. In filters, the default release is displayed with the label [Default release] after its name.

    For example, if you have a favorite created to monitor all defects from the default release, at the end of a release timeline - when your developers have moved on to working on the next release - you can override the default release to view details from the previous release instead of the current one.

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Deactivate a release

When you finish working on a release, you can deactivate it. Deactivated releases no longer appear on lists of data entry, such as assigning items to a release. However, they do appear in filters, so you can see which items were assigned to obsolete releases.

To deactivate a release:

  1. Open the Release Management module .

  2. In the Releases tab, select the release you want to deactivate.

  3. Click the Deactivate button . Deactivated releases are not removed from the grid.

    To re-activate a deactivated release, select the release and click the Activate button .

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See also: