Manage a list of baselines of your space or workspace. A baseline is a snapshot of the space or workspace at a particular time.
Editions: Baseline management is available for Enterprise edition only.
You can record a list of your space of workspace baselines. A baseline contains all the data on your space or workspace at a given date and time.
The actual baseline information is stored independently on an external server. The baseline list enables you to record, and link to, space or workspace baselines. Users can open the baseline version of a selected item using a direct link.
To work with baseline entries, the following permissions are required:
To add a baseline entry: space or workspace admin permissions are required.
To open a baseline version of an item: The General System Actions > View and access baselines permission is required.
Create a baseline entity
As a shared space admin, or a workspace admin in an isolated space, you can create a list of baselines created on your space or workspace.
To create a baseline entity:
Click the Settings button
and select Spaces.
On the Settings page, select a space or workspace.
Select More Settings > Baselines.
Click the Baseline button.
In the Add Baseline dialog box, specify the following details.
Field Description Name Enter a unique name or label for the baseline. Maximum 255 characters.
Baseline URL Enter the URL of the baseline.
Example: //
If the baseline is saved in a sub folder of the production server, enter the folder path leading to the baseline. Example: backups/octane/repo/conf
Baseline date Set the date and time on which the baseline was created. Changes that happened before the date and time are assigned to the baseline. Description (Optional) Type a description of the baseline. Live instance Select Yes to enable users to open the item in the baseline from the item's History tab. -
Click Add.
See also: