Using exception files for manual database changes

This topic provides instructions for defining exception files. Use exception files if the organization's DBA added objects to database schemas, such as tables, indexes, stored procedures, columns, or other objects.


Exception files instruct OpenText Software Delivery Management to ignore any errors issued because of manual additions to the database schema. These errors would typically stop the installation or upgrade process.

You can use exception files to ignore errors for extra tables, views, columns, and sequences. For any other problem, consult with your database administrator.

Caution: Using the exception file to ignore errors for objects that are added manually to the schema may compromise stability and the validity of the database user schema.

You can use the exception files during a new installation, when upgrading, and when creating a space. 

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Define exception files

Define exception files before installation, before upgrading, or before you create the new spaces.

To define exception files:

  1. Copy both of the mqm_exception.xml files from the OpenText Software Delivery Management installation directories. You can rename them.

  2. Locate the MQM_EXCEPTIONS part of the file.

                <!--<object pattern="TABLE_1_EXAMPLE" type="missing" />-->
                <!--<object pattern=" TABLE_1_EXAMPLE" type="extra" />-->
  3. Change the <declaration> to one of the following. Add as many declarations as you need.

    • TableMissing

    • ViewMissing

    • ColumnMissing

    • ConstraintMissing

    • IndexMissing

    • PartitionFunctionMissing

    • PartitionSchemeMissing

    • ProcedureMissing

    • SequenceMissing

    • TriggerMissing

  4. For each object pattern, you can specify one of the following types.

    Object Description
    missing The object is needed but is missing.
    extra The object is extra because it was created after OpenText Software Delivery Management installation or before upgrading.

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Set up use of the exception file

This topic explains how to use the exception file when installing OpenText Software Delivery Management or when creating a new space.

Use of the exception files during first-time installation

You can use exception files when installing OpenText Software Delivery Management using existing schemas/databases instead of having OpenText Software Delivery Management create new schemas for you. This is the FILL_EXISTING installation option and it is set in the octane.conf file.

  1. During installation, when configuring the /opt/conf/octane.conf file in the configuration folder, add these two settings using an editor.

    Setting Description

    The exception file for the site.



    The exception file for the default space.


  2. Continue installing.

  3. After the installation, check that the server is up and that you have proper access to the site and the default space.

Use of the exception files when upgrading

You can use exception files when upgrading OpenText Software Delivery Management.

After installation, the exception files are copied to the repository folder. So when upgrading, modify the copies of the exception files in the repository folder instead of the files in the configuration folder.

  1. During the upgrade, when configuring the octane.conf file in the repository folder, add or modify these two settings using an editor.

    Exception file Path
    File for the site


    File for the new space


  2. Continue upgrading.

  3. After the upgrade, check that the server is up and that you have proper access to the site and the default space.

Use of the exception files when creating a space

The exception files are also processed when adding new spaces.

After installation, the exception files are copied to the repository folder.

Before adding a new space, modify the copies of the exception files in the repository folder instead of the files in the configuration folder.

  1. Add exceptions as necessary to the exception files using an editor.

    Exception file Path
    File for the site


    File for the new space


  2. In OpenText Software Delivery Management Settings , add the space using an existing schema. For details, see Create a space.

  3. Check that you have proper access to the space.

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See also: