Cycle and flow times
Use the cycle time and flow time metrics to gain greater visibility of your development and delivery processes.
An item's cycle and flow times help you understand your flow efficiency. Based on these metrics, you can identify waste and inefficiencies in an item's lifecycle, and optimize your workflow.
For details on the item timeline, see Timeline view. For details on waste tracking, see Track waste.
Metric | Details |
Flow time |
Flow time reflects the time it takes to deliver a new item. You can track flow time for features and other backlog items. Flow time is the duration between the start of work on an item to its delivery, or to the current date if the item is still in progress Note: If your workflow does not include phases in the In Delivery metaphase, or an item has not reached this metaphase yet, the item flow time is equal to its cycle time. |
Cycle time |
An item's cycle time reflects the time it takes to complete the development of an item. Cycle time spans the period from the date an item entered the In Progress metaphase and the date it reached In Delivery. You can track cycle time for features, epics, and other backlog items. Note:
Time measurement
The following factors affect an item's cycle time calculation.
Factor | Details |
Phase completion |
The trigger for calculating and storing the cycle time for each phase is the transition out event of an item from the phase. For example, the number of days an item spent in the In Progress phase is only calculated after the item moves to In Testing. Note:
Moving back and forth between phases |
The cycle time includes a sum of all days that an item spent in each phase included in the cycle. For example, if a feature was in the In Progress phase, moved to the In Testing phase, moved back to In Progress, and out again, the cycle time includes all days of the In Progress phase, even though they were not sequential. In summary, a work item's cycle time is the sum of all the days spent in each of the item's phases, from start to end phase. Note: If an item moves back to the phase that is not included in the cycle, the time spent in that phase is not considered. For example, if a feature's start phase is In Progress, and it has spent some time in this phase, but then moved back to New, the time spent in New is not included. |
Calendar events | Cycle time measurements do not include non-workday calendar events configured for your workspace or team. For example, if your calendar events indicate a holiday on a certain day, and a weekend on Saturday and Sunday, these days are subtracted from the sum total of days. They do not influence the actual cycle time of an item. |
Cycles with missing data |
When calculating cycle time in a given scope, such as a release, milestone, or sprint, there may be items that are missing data. Missing data may be a result of:
Note: If an item's phase time is missing, or the phase is incomplete, cycle time widgets do not consider this item for calculating the average cycle time. |
Analyze cycle and flow times
You can analyze cycle and flow times for work items using the following means.
Means | Details |
Fields |
Include the following fields in the item's form and in grids:
Timeline view |
In the Gantt chart for your work items, hover over a timeline bar to view the item's cycle time for that specific phase the bar represents. |
Cycle time widgets |
The Cycle time dashboard widgets help you track the average cycle time for your features, user stories, and quality stories. An item's average cycle time is the average time that all the work items spent in a range of phases included in the release cycle. For details, see Features average cycle time widgets. You can customize the phases to include in the cycle time separately in each widget. The widgets include insight cards that provide additional analytics. These analytics help you identify correlations, anomalies, trend behavior, and bottlenecks. For details, see Insight cards. |
See also: