This topic describes how to work with attachments.
Create an attachment
You can attach files and URLs to work items.
To create an attachment:
Open an item in details view and select the Attachments tab.
Click Attach or Attach URL.
Follow these instructions for your attachment type.
Attachment type Instructions File attachment Select the files you want to attach.
You can select multiple files at the same time.
The file types that you can upload as attachments are defined by the parameter: ATTACHMENTS_FILE_EXTENSION_WHITE_LIST.
URL attachment Enter a display name and the URL.
Note: By default, the URL uses the http protocol. To use another protocol, specify it in the URL.
Download and share attachments
You can share attachment links or download attachments to your machine. You can also open attachments and view their details.
To download and share attachments:
Open an item in details view and select the Attachments tab.
Choose the Grid or Thumbnails view.
Perform the following actions.
Action Details Download attachments Do one of the following:
Click the Download all button
Select one or more attachments and click the Download button
Multiple attachments are downloaded in a zip file.
Note: URL attachments are not downloadable.
Share attachments Select one or more attachments and click the Copy link button
The attachment links are copied to you clipboard. You can paste and share the links. When a user clicks an attachment's link, a browser tab opens and the attachment is automatically downloaded.
Open an attachment preview Click the attachment's ID or thumbnail. An enlarged preview of the attachment is displayed.
Use the horizontal arrows at the bottom of the preview page to move to the item's previous or next attachment.
The file types that can be previewed inside the application are defined by the parameter: ATTACHMENTS_PREVIEW_FILE_EXTENSIONS.
Previewing Office files, or other files for which browsers do not have embedded viewers, requires installing a third-party browser extension.
File types that cannot be previewed in the application are automatically downloaded.
Tip: You can open an item's attachments directly from any grid view by clicking the Attachment button
See also: