Run automated tests

This topic describes how to set up automated tests.


There are several ways to discover and run automated tests.

Method Details


Run automated tests as part of a pipeline if you run a regular set of tests and do not need to select specific tests.

OpenText Functional Testing integration

Include OpenText Functional Testing tests in a test suite.


Use the on-demand testing framework if you want to choose specific tests to run, and you are planning your tests in advance.

The tests are run by automation tools, and the results are sent to OpenText Software Delivery Management.

When integrating with your testing framework, you can select automated tests from your testing framework, and run them in the context of a test suite.

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Run automated tests in a pipeline

If you set up a CI server integration, OpenText Software Delivery Management does the following:

  • Receives the results of automated tests that run in a pipeline on your CI server.

  • Creates or updates the relevant automated tests and test runs based on those results.

For details, see Set up CI/CD integration and Create automated tests.

You can trigger pipeline runs from OpenText Software Delivery Management, but not individual test runs.

Note: If you do not run your automated tests on a supported CI server, you can still send automated test run results. For details, see Receive automated test run results.

To run automated tests as part of a pipeline:

  1. Prerequisite: Set up a pipeline and run it, to enable discovery of your automated tests. This includes setting up integration with your CI server, creating a pipeline, and running it. For details, see Add automated tests from runs in a pipeline.

  2. Run automated tests again.

    To run your automated tests again, and send the updated results, you must run the whole pipeline. For details, see Run pipelines.

    This runs all automated tests included in steps of the pipeline.

  3. View run results.

    Open individual automated tests in the Backlog or Quality module to view their results, or open the Pipelines module to view details about all the tests in the pipeline.

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Run OpenText Functional Testing tests in a test suite

You can set up an integration with OpenText Functional Testing. This enables OpenText Software Delivery Management to continuously reflect any Functional Testing tests and data tables that it discovers in your repository. It also lets you plan and trigger Functional Testing test runs by including the tests in test suites.

For details, see Set up OpenText Functional Testing integration and Run OpenText Functional Testing tests in a test suite.

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Run automated tests on demand

You can integrate with your testing framework and run tests on demand, using your CI server. After setting up the integration, you can select automated tests from your testing framework, and run them in the context of a test suite.

This is useful in a number of scenarios. For example, suppose your CI server ran automated nightly tests and the pipeline shows that a specific test failed. After pushing a fix you can run the specific test directly from OpenText Software Delivery Management, rather than running the full pipeline which can be time consuming.

For details, see Trigger on-demand automated test runs.

Note: To run automated tests on-demand, you have to create a pipeline and run it once for the tests to be discovered.

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See also: