Rank the backlog
You can rank the backlog using either fixed or relative ranking. In a ranked backlog, you can set a goal of features that you want to handle.
Set fixed ranking
The fixed ranking method helps you preserve the ranks when items in the grid are grouped, sorted, or filtered by any other fields.
- For ranking purposes, you can only use fields that are editable and of integer type. You cannot use this method to rank items by the Rank field, even though the field is editable and of integer type.
- Admins can use business rules to prevent ranking by specific fields, for example, by making the fields read-only. For details, see Business rules.
- You cannot filter or group results by their rank.
To set fixed item ranks, make sure the following prerequisites are met:
- The fields by which you want to rank items must be defined in the WORK_ITEM_FIELDS_ENABLED_FOR_SEQUENTIAL_RANKING parameter. For details, see Configuration parameters.
- You must have permissions to edit work items for which you need to set fixed ranks.
- The field by which you want to rank items must exist for the given item type. For example, if a field was created for defects only, you cannot rank user stories by this field.
- The field by which you want to rank items must be added as a column to the items grid.
- The grid must not be grouped.
- Items in the grid must be ordered in the way you want the items to be ranked.
To set fixed ranking by a specific field:
In the grid view, select work items that you want to rank.
Make sure that the necessary field exists for all of the selected item types. You can also filter the grid to display only those item types for which the field exists.
In the toolbar, click More and select Set Sequential Ranking.
- In the Set Sequential Ranking dialog box, enter values for the following fields.
Field | Details |
Select field |
Lists fields that were defined in the WORK_ITEM_FIELDS_ENABLED_FOR_SEQUENTIAL_RANKING parameter. Note: You can select from fields that exist only for the given item type. If the parameter includes only one field that exists for the given item type, the field value is auto-populated. |
Start value | Determines the starting point for the ranking sequence. The start value must be greater than 0. |
Increment | Determines the amount by which the ranking value increases. The increment range is from 1 to 1000. For example, to use a ranking sequence of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5..., set the increment to 1. |
Note: The selected values are saved in user settings. Next time you open the Set Sequential Ranking dialog box, the fields are auto-populated with the values you last used.
The items are ranked by the field specified in the dedicated parameter. The field name is displayed in the item details.
After setting fixed ranks for backlog items, you can do the following.
Action | Details |
Track ranking | An item's History tab displays all the details about the ranking operation: the date, ID of the user who performed the action, as well as the action details. |
Add new items to the grid |
New items are added to the top of the grid with no rank. You can manually rank the item by clicking in the empty cell and entering the rank value. The rank value can vary depending on an item's priority. To rank items in the grid sequentially again, click the header of the ranking field column. |
Group items in the grid | When you group sequentially ranked items by any field, the original ranking is preserved, and it is no longer sequential. |
Set relative ranking
When ranked by the Rank field, backlog items do not have a fixed rank number. Instead, in any grid, items are listed by order of their relative ranking, and are numbered sequentially from 1 to [no. of items in the grid]. New items are added to the backlog with the lowest rank.
Note: Backlog items that are associated with different programs can still be ranked together.
When setting the relative ranking, consider the following points.
Points | Details |
Always sequential | Items in the grid are ranked sequentially. If a team lead ranks ten features of a release from 1 to 10, and then divides them between the developers, developer A sees 1,2,3 reflecting the ranking of their features, developer B sees their features as 1,2,3, and developer C sees theirs ranked as 1,2,3,4. |
Does not change from grid to grid |
Ranking is across the whole platform. For example, FAs and PMs can add items to a release to control which items are ranked in the release backlog, and this change is applied globally. |
Editable |
You can change an item's rank by changing the item's order in the grid. Conversely, changing an item's order in the grid also changes the item's rank. Note: You cannot clear ranking for separate items in the grid. |
Role-based | You must have permissions to change an item's rank. |
- Ranking by the Rank field is not available for grouped items.
- Item rank disappears when items in the grid are sorted or filtered by any other fields.
To set relative ranking:
Click the Rank column header to sort the grid by rank.
Use the following methods to change ranking:
- Drag one or more items up or down the Grid View or Smart List View.
- Click the rank number and type in a new value.
- Right-click an item and select Rank Highest or Rank Lowest.
Set a feature goal
You can set a goal of features that you want to handle in a given time period, according to feature count or story points.
To set a goal:
- Select the Features tab.
- Select either the Grid or Slim Grid view.
- On the toolbar, click Set Red Line.
Turn on the Show Red Line switch.
- Select what you want to delineate: Story points or Items.
Set the number of story points or items and click Set. The red line is displayed in the grid.
To modify your settings, click Set Red Line. You can display only one red line at a time.
(Optional) Apply filters to show items for a specific milestone, sprint, or release. Click the Show filter pane button
. Click + Add Filter and choose the time frame.
- (Optional) Save your red line placement as a favorite. For details, see Grids and views.