Modify site settings

When you install OpenText Software Delivery Management, you define mandatory site settings in the octane.conf file. Depending on your environment, you can use additional configuration files to define settings for secure Elasticsearch, proxy server, and LDAP or SSO authentication.

These settings are configured during installation, and can also be changed any time, as necessary.

To modify site settings:

  1. Edit the configuration files according to your site needs. For details, refer to the "Configure initial site settings" section in the OpenText Software Delivery Management Installation Guide. See Install.

    Note: The wrapper.conf file is internal and should not be modified. The wrapper-parameters-for-customer-site.conf file is for custom attributes, and is not modified during upgrade.

  2. Restart the OpenText Software Delivery Management server.

    OS How to restart
    Windows Select Start > OpenText Software Delivery Management > Restart OpenText Software Delivery Management.
    1. Log in as either the root or sudo user.

    2. Restart the octane service. Run:

      systemctl stop octane

      systemctl start octane

See also: