
This topic discusses how you can save display settings as favorite views. You can reload favorites and share them with other users.

Save a display as a favorite

Save a module's display settings as a favorite view. The favorite saves the following settings: filter, selected columns, sort order, and grouping.

Each module has its own separate set of favorites.

To save the module's display view as a favorite:

  1. In the top banner, open the Favorites menu, and click Save New Favorite .
  2. In the Save Favorite dialog box, enter the name for your favorite.

  3. To share the favorite with all users or with a specific team, select the relevant option.

    Note: Users with the predefined Viewer role cannot share favorites.

  4. Click Save.
  5. To generate a link to the current favorite, open the Favorites menu and select Copy Link. The link is copied to your clipboard.

If you change the display settings of an existing favorite, and then save or load it, the favorite icon changes to . To re-save the favorite with the current settings, in the Favorites menu, select Update Favorite.

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Manage favorites

You can manage your personal, team, or public favorites in the Favorites menu.

To manage favorites:

  1. In the top banner, open the Favorites menu, and then click Load/Manage.
  2. In the Load/Manage Favorites dialog box, perform the following actions on the favorites:

    Action Description
    Load Display the favorite view.
    Link Copy an internal link to a favorite. The internal link is intended for workspace users.
    Share Share a favorite with a specific team or with all users.
    Pin Add a public favorite to the My Favorites category.
    Delete Delete a favorite. You can delete only favorites that you own.

To better organize or narrow down the list of your favorites, you can search, sort, or filter the list.

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Import and export favorites

You can export a favorite and share it with other users, or import it into other workspaces. Recipients can import the file so that it will appear in their Favorites menu. Exported files are in JSON format.

To export a favorite:

  1. Select the favorite that you want to export. Make sure to save any changes that you made to the current display using the Update option.
  2. Click Export. The <favorite_name> .json file is saved to your default Downloads folder.

To import a favorite:

  1. Open the Favorites menu.
  2. Click Import and select a <favorite_name> .json file.
  3. Click Open to add the shared favorite to your Favorites menu.

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See also: