Import tasks from Notion to PPM work plan (Beta)

You can import tasks that are managed in Notion to PPM work plan.

Note: This is a Beta feature. For details, see Feature types.

Add a Notion instance

A Notion instance is an environment where the Notion connector conveys the data from Notion to PPM.

To add a Notion instance as an administrator:

  1. From the PPM menu, select Open > Administration > Integrations.
  2. Navigate to the Enterprise Agile pane.
  3. In the Instances section, Notion line, click +.

  4. Provide the required information.

    Field (*Required)


    *Instance Name

    Specify a unique name for the instance up to 50 characters in length.

    Instance names cannot include special characters.

    Proxy Host

    Host name of the proxy if you have configured a proxy for the PPM server to access the Internet.

    Proxy Port

    Port of the proxy if you have configured a proxy for the PPM server to access the Internet.

    *Integration Token

    The integration token used to retrieve data from Notion.

    You generate the integration token in Notion, and add it to the Notion pages from which you want to import data to PPM. Only data from the Notion pages that are shared with the integration token can be imported to PPM.

    For instructions on how to generate a Notion integration token and add it to Notion pages, see the Notion documentation.

    Force all users to use this Integration Token

    Select this option if you only allow project managers to use the administrator's integration token to retrieve data from Notion to PPM.

    Leave this option unselected if you want to allow project managers to use their integration token to retrieve the Notion data.

  5. Click Save.
  6. Click Test Connection to test the connection with the instance.

    If a message appears stating that connection failed, click OK on the message, and then resolve the connection issue.

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Set PPM project as hybrid project

Only tasks in a hybrid project where only part of the project uses agile methodology can be linked to Notion databases.

For details, see Set PPM project as hybrid project.

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Link a PPM task with a Notion database

When you link a PPM task with a Notion database, the tasks that are managed in Notion become external tasks of the hybrid project.

To link a PPM task with a Notion database as a project manager:

  1. Open the hybrid project work plan.
  2. Open a target task.

    Tasks that can be linked with a Notion database must meet the following requirements:

    • The task is a leaf task.
    • The task is not a milestone.
    • The task has no manually entered actuals. Tasks with actuals only synced from time sheets can be linked with a Notion database.
    • The task is not already linked to an RFC in Service Manager.
    • If the project is already integrated with Microsoft Project using an MSP plug-in or MPP file, the work plan should be fully controlled by PPM (under PPM-controlled mode) if you want to map the project tasks to Notion databases.
  3. In the Hybrid Project tab, click Start Mapping.
  4. In step 1, select a Notion instance, and click Next.
  5. In step 2: User Configuration, provide the following information to decide what to import to the linked task, and click Next.

    Field (*Required) Description
    Integration Token

    The token used to retrieve data from Notion.

    Note: This option is available only when the administrator allows project managers to use their own integration token to retrieve the Notion data. For details, see Force all users to use this Integration Token.


    Select a Notion database to map.

    Note: Only the Notion databases that are shared with the integration token are available for selection. For details, see the Notion documentation.

    • *Task Name

    • Scheduled Start

    • Scheduled Finish

    • Assigned Resources

    • Percent Complete

    • Actual Effort (Hrs)

    For each PPM task field, select a Notion column to map with.

    Sort by Select the column by which to sort the Notion tasks in PPM work plan.
  6. Confirm the user configuration and click Submit.

    A one-to-one mapping is established, and the mapping information is displayed under the PPM task.

    The Notion logo is added in front of the PPM task, indicating that it is linked to a Notion task.

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View Notion task data from PPM

After a Notion database is linked to a PPM task,

  • Wait for the background External Work Plan Sync service to import the Notion tasks to the PPM project. These imported tasks are listed under the linked task as leaf tasks.

  • You cannot edit the imported tasks in the PPM project. However, any changes are synchronized from Notion to PPM each time when the External Work Plan Sync service runs.

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Unlink Notion tasks from PPM task

  1. Go to the Hybrid Project tab of the Task Details page for the linked task.

  2. Next to the Notion instance information, click Unlink.

    A warning message pops up.

  3. Click OK.

    The link between the Notion database and PPM task is cancelled immediately.

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