Budget Summary Tab

The Budget Summary tab in the Scenario Comparison page provides a graph of the cost information for each scenario. See Figure 5-4. Scenario Comparison page, Budget Summary tab.

Figure 5-4. Scenario Comparison page, Budget Summary tab

Each graph displays capital expense and operating expense in a stacked bar chart. For information about the cost (budget) calculations, see Overview of the Scenario Comparison Page.

If a supply budget is specified for the scenario comparison, the supply budget is displayed as the capacity line. For details on how to specify the supply budget for a scenario comparison, see Changing a Scenario Comparison's Basic Information.

Note: In any period, a scenario's required budget can exceed the supply budget specified for the scenario comparison. You can run a scenario optimization program with various options for objectives and constraints, and the program ensures that the optimized scenario does not exceed the supply budget you specify. See Running Scenario Optimizations.

Note: Display of negative values for expenses is not supported.

To change the time interval used for the horizontal axes in the graphs on all the tabs except the Efficient Frontier tab, select a new value in the Graph Period Interval field and click Change (see Budget Summary Tab).