Using Scenario Comparison Portlets

Portfolio Management provides portlets that are based on scenario comparisons. You can add these portlets to your PPM Dashboard. Among other filter criteria, you select one scenario comparison, and in most cases one of its scenarios, for use in the portlet.You can create adjacent portlets that use different filter criteria for the same scenario, or that use different scenarios you select from the same or different scenario comparisons.

For example, Figure 5-15. Budget by Asset Class portlets comparing different scenarios shows two Budget by Asset Class portlets comparing two scenarios from the same scenario comparison. (The portlet titles were manually edited to distinguish the scenarios as First Plan and Second Plan.)

Figure 5-15. Budget by Asset Class portlets comparing different scenarios

Table 5-1. Scenario comparison portlets describes the available scenario comparison portlets.

Table 5-1. Scenario comparison portlets



Budget by Asset Class

Similar to the graph in the Scenario Comparison page's Budget by Asset Class tab, but for only one scenario you select from a scenario comparison. See Budget By Asset Class Tab. Displays a bar chart with adjacent bars (one for each asset class) representing the budget for each period.

Budget by Business Objective

Similar to the graph in the Scenario Comparison page's Budget by Business Objective tab, but for only one scenario you select from a scenario comparison. See Budget By Business Objective Tab. Displays a bar chart with adjacent bars (one for each business objective) representing the budget for each period.

Budget by Project Class

Similar to the graph in the Scenario Comparison page's Budget by Project Class tab, but for only one scenario you select from a scenario comparison. See Budget By Project Class Tab. Displays a bar chart with adjacent bars (one for each project class) representing the budget for each period.

Budget Summary

Similar to the graph in the Scenario Comparison page's Budget Summary tab, but for only one scenario you select from a scenario comparison. See Budget Summary Tab. Displays capital expense and operating expense in a stacked bar chart.

Cost Benefit Analysis

Similar to the graph in the Scenario Comparison page's Cost Benefit tab, but for only one scenario you select from a scenario comparison. See Cost Benefit Tab. Displays a bar chart depicting the expected cost and the expected benefit per period.

Total Budget

Similar to the Cost Plan graph in the Scenario Comparison page's Overview tab. See Overview Tab. Shows the total budget each scenario will consume per period, along with the supply budget (if specified).

Total Resource

Similar to the Resource Plan graph in the Scenario Comparison page's Overview tab. See Overview Tab. Shows the total resource demand of each scenario per period, along with the total available resources (if specified).