Viewing program at a glimpse

You get to know the program's summary data, including schedule, health, and cost, by a glimpse of the program header.


UI Element Description

Progress: Program progress is calculated by the following formula, based on the work plan percent complete of each project included in the program.

Program Progress = Sum of (Project Scheduled Effort * Percent Complete) / Sum of Project Scheduled Effort

Duration: Program duration is calculated based on scheduled start date and scheduled finish date of all projects included in the program. It derives the earliest project scheduled start date as its start date and the latest project scheduled finish date as its finish date.

Portfolio: If the program has associated portfolio, the portfolio name is displayed. Clicking the name goes to the portfolio page. The field is available only when Portfolio Management is enabled for the program.

Status: It is aligned with the Program Status field in Details tab, determined by the workflow step where the program has arrived.


This section displays program health status and program health type.

For details, see Tracking or Editing Program Health.


This section displays the number of issues, risks, and scope changes of the program, and their health statuses, if you have enabled tracking their health.

Clicking the issues rectangle directs you to the Issues section, and similarly for risks and scope changes.

For details, see Managing Issues, Risks, and Scope Changes.


This section displays the number of business objectives associated with the program. Clicking it directs you to the Business Objectives section.

For details, see Associate the program to business objectives or strategic themes.


If you have enabled Financial Management for the program, this section displays the budget, projected cost, and actual cost of the program.

  • When Budget >= Projected Cost, Actual Cost is displayed in dark green and Projected Cost is displayed in light green.
  • When Budget < Projected Cost, Actual Cost is displayed in red and Projected Cost is displayed in pink.
  • When budget <= 0, a yellow triangle with an exclamation mark is displayed.

Note: When your screen size is smaller than 1225 pixels, the chart shrinks and displayed next to business objectives.

For details, see View and update budget and View program cost data.