Managing Issues, Risks, and Scope Changes

In a program lifecycle, issues, risks, and scope changes may appear in a program or in the projects included in the program.

This section describes how to submit program issues and risks, view project issues, risks, and scope changes that are escalated to the program.

Managing Issues in a Program

You can manage program issues when you enable tracking issue health. For details, see Issue Health Policy.

Issues appear in the program page are composed of:

  • Program issues: issues that are submitted directly against the program
  • Program-level project issues: issues that are submitted against the projects included in the program and are escalated to the program level

Submit program issues

For details, see Submitting Program Issues.

Filter issues

Issues are filtered by priority. For example, clicking the High bar in the issue chart, you see all issues of high priority listed in the table.

To clear filters for issues, delete the filter above the issues table.

Analyze issues

For details, see Analyzing Issue Activity and Analyzing Issue Resolution Time.

Managing Risks in a Program

You can manage program issues when you enable tracking issue health. For details, see Risk Health Policy.

Risks appear in the program page are composed of:

  • Program risks: risks that are submitted directly against the program
  • Program-level project risks: risks that are submitted against projects included in the program and are escalated to the program level

Submit program risks

For details, see Submitting Program Risks .

Filter risks

Risks are filtered by probability and impact level. The risk chart categorizes risks by probability, and in each probability bar, risks of different impact levels are differentiated by colors. Clicking a color block filters risks of the same probability and impact level.

To clear filters for risks, delete the filter above the risks table.

Analyze risks

For details, see Analyzing Risk Activity and Analyzing Risk Resolution Time.

Managing Scope Changes in a Program

You can manage program scope changes when you enable tracking issue health. For details, see Scope Change Health Policy.

Scope changes appear in the program page are:

  • Program-level project scope changes: scope changes that are submitted against projects included in the program and are escalated to the program level

Filter scope changes

Scope changes are filtered by severity. For example clicking the High bar in the scope change char, you see all scope changes of high severity listed in the table.

To clear filters for scope changes, delete the filter above the scope changes table.

Analyze scope changes

For details, see Analyzing Scope Change Activity and Analyzing Scope Change Resolution Time.