Download validation values

If you want a record of the validation values used by APM or if you want to create a spreadsheet of validation values that you can update and import with the Data Migrator, you need to download the validations and their values.

Note: If your PPM instance supports multiple languages, the validation values you download includes a pair of Meaning and Description columns for each language supported by your system. For example, columns for a PPM instance that supports English and Spanish includes columns titled Meaning (English), Description (English), Meaning (Spanish), and Description (Spanish). All other columns are language independent.

To download validation values:

  1. Connect to the PPM Server using the Data Migrator wizard. For instructions, see Connecting to the PPM Server using the Data Migrator Wizard (for Validation-Related Tasks).

    The Select an Action to Perform dialog box opens.

  2. In the Select an Action to Perform dialog box, select Download Records.

    The Download Options dialog box opens.

  3. In the Download Options dialog box, click Advanced Options to configure the download settings. To cancel any changes you make to the Advanced Options dialog box, click Cancel.

    • In the Highlight Success field in the Coloring box, select the color that the Data Migrator uses in the spreadsheet to highlight the validations that were downloaded successfully.

      • To change the color, click the Color button and select a new color.

      • To define custom colors, click Define Custom Colors in the Color dialog box.

      By default, validations that downloaded successfully are not highlighted.

    • In the Concurrency box, select the maximum number of concurrent threads—up to 20—from the Maximum Threads drop-down list. When you configure this field, consider the performance objectives for your environment. Setting this field to a higher number could improve throughput but might also put more of a load on your PPM Server. The default value is 5.

    • In the Data Filtering box, you can limit the validations that are displayed in the Download Options dialog box. To do so, type the word by which the validations are to be filtered in the Show validations when name contains field. For example, type APM to display only the validations that contain APM in their name.

    When you are finished configuring the advanced options, click OK to save your changes and close the dialog box.

  4. In the Download Options dialog box, select or clear the checkboxes as necessary so only the validations you want to download are selected. The Download Options dialog box lists all the validations configured for your implementation of APM or a filtered list of validations, if you configured the Data Filtering setting in the previous step.

    To sort the list, click the heading of the column you want to sort by. To clear all the selected checkboxes, click Uncheck All. To select all the checkboxes, click Check All.

  5. Click Next.

    Caution: If you click Cancel before the process is completed, only some of the data might be downloaded. For more information, see Cancelling a Download, Create, or Update Process.

    The Data Migrator downloads the selected validations and their values. This could take several minutes. When the process is complete, the message <N> of <N> is displayed (where <N> represents the number of validations). This indicates the number of validations—out of the total number of validations that you selected for download—that were downloaded.

  6. Click Finish.

    The Data Migrator closes.

  7. Save the spreadsheet.