Configure Chatbot to send notifications

After you set up PPM Chatbot, you can configure Chatbot to send notifications of various events to users, such as informing users that the status of a request is changed, or reminding users to submit time sheets.

You specify on which events and to whom the notifications are to be sent. Following the events, Chatbot will send the notifications on Microsoft Teams to the specified recipients.

To configure Chatbot to send notifications:

  1. Create a notification template for Chatbot

    1. Open the PPM Workbench to create a notification template for Chatbot.

      For details, see Configure notification templates.

    2. Make sure you select YAML as the Notification Format.

  2. Apply the notification template to PPM entity

    1. Go to PPM online help to see how to configure the notifications for a specific PPM entity.
    2. Make sure you follow the instructions below:

      Notification Element Instructions
      Notification Template

      Make sure you select a Chatbot notification template.

      Notification Format Make sure you select YAML as the notification format.

PPM OOTB notification templates for Chatbot

PPM out-of-the-box provides the following notification templates ready for use: