
Navigator is an intelligent assistant that lets you search for menus or entities and submit reports, by interacting with it.

Note: Navigator is available in 24.2 and later versions, and only in English language sessions. In 24.2, it is named Navigator Aviator.


To use Navigator, enable it by setting the ENABLE_NAVIGATOR_AVIATOR parameter to true. For details, see Server parameters.

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Access Navigator

To access Navigator, in the PPM top banner, click the Navigator button .

  • When you open Navigator for the first time, the dialog box displays your recently opened pages.

    Note: Pages added to My Links list and saved searches are not displayed. For details, see Maintain a My Links list and Save searches.

  • If you reopen Navigator after closing it, it displays your recent chat. You can clear the history by clicking Clear chat at the top of the dialog box, and it shows your recently opened pages.

From the list of the suggested links, click a link to open the target page.

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Search for menus or entities

Interact with Navigator to search for a menu item or entity.

To use Navigator to search for a menu item or entity:

  • In the Navigator chat box, type a search string, and then click the Send button or press ENTER.

    String Description

    Menu item name

    Type any part of a menu item name to search for a PPM menu.

    As you type, suggestions appear based on your input and access grants. You can click a link from the list of suggestions to open the target menu.

    For example, to open the Create New Request menu, type "requests" and then click Create Request (OPEN) from the list of suggestions.

    Request number

    Type a request number to search for a request.

    For example, to search for the request with number 12345, type "12345".

    Note: You can use the request number to search for requests only.

    Slash (/) + keyword

    Type a slash (/) followed by any part of an entity name or description to search for requests, projects, programs, staffing profiles, or tasks.

    As you type, suggestions appear based on your input and access grants. You can click a suggested link to limit your search to a specific entity type.

    For example, to search for a request that contains "test" in its name or description, type "/test", press ENTER, and then click a result from the search results to view more details.

    Report type name

    Available in 24.3 and later versions

    To submit a report, type the report type name in the chat box. Navigator responds with the report types that contain the string. You can then

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Submit a report

Available in 24.3 and later versions

You can submit and download a report from by interacting with Navigator.

To submit a report:

  1. In the Navigator chat box, type the name of the report to run. Navigator returns the reports that contain the string and to which you have access.
  2. Select the target report from the list and provide the report details in the Create Report window and then click Submit. For details about submitting a report, see Run reports.
  3. When the report is completed, you can download it directly from the Navigator dialog box.

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See also: