Portfolio contents

Portfolio managers can use the Contents tab to manage portfolio contents.

  • The Contents tab is available only when it is enabled. For details, see Set up portfolio tabs.
  • You can also manage portfolio contents under the portfolio Backlog tab. We recommend that you use the Backlog tab because in addition to adding existing contents to a portfolio, in the portfolio Backlog tab, you can also directly create new contents within a portfolio. For details, see Portfolio backlog.


The contents (or initiatives) of a portfolio are what you plan to invest in this portfolio. Initially when you create a portfolio, you probably will include all the current and proposed investments (all the programs, projects, assets, and proposals) that are managed in your organization. However, you might need to adjust the portfolio contents due to time, budget, and resources constraints and changes in the business strategy or marketing.

To use the Contents tab to manage your portfolio contents, you must meet the following requirements:

  • You are the manager of the portfolio, or
  • You have the Edit All Portfolios access grant, or

  • You have the Edit Portfolio access grant and the portfolio managers have given you view and edit access to the portfolio.

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Add contents to a portfolio

Include what you plan to invest in your portfolio.

Add subportfolios

The portfolios added to the current portfolio as subordinates are referred to as subportfolios or child portfolios. You may want to add subportfolios to a portfolio when the current portfolio is created by a higher-level organization manager targeted for higher functional or strategic needs.

To add subportfolios in the Contents tab:

  1. In the portfolio page, click the Contents tab, Subportfolios section.
  1. Click Add, and select the desired portfolios.

    For details which portfolios can be added as subportfolios to a portfolio, see Contents that can be added to a portfolio.

  2. Click OK.

The current portfolio could have parent portfolios and child portfolios, and its child portfolios may also have child portfolios. Cumulatively, it builds up a portfolio hierarchy in which the current portfolio may have parent portfolios or subportfolios at different higher or lower levels.

For details about portfolio hierarchy, see Portfolio Hierarchy.

Note: A portfolio can have a maximum of 40 subportfolios at the next lower level.

Add programs

A program is a collection of proposals, projects, and assets, aimed for an objective that a single proposal, project, or asset cannot achieve.

  1. In the portfolio page, click the Contents tab, Programs section.
  2. Click Add.

  3. In the Search Programs window, provide search criteria, and click Search.

    For details which programs can be added to a portfolio, see Contents that can be added to a portfolio.

  4. Select the desired programs, and click Add.

Note: A portfolio can have a maximum of 250 programs.

Add proposals, projects, and assets

Proposals, projects, and assets added to the portfolio are known as "direct" proposals, projects, and assets, distinct from the ones in the portfolio's subportfolios and programs.

  1. In the portfolio page, click the Contents tab, Proposals/Projects/Assets section.
  2. Click Add.
  3. In the Add New Proposals/Projects/Assets window, do one of the following:

    • Add by name:

      1. In the Add Specific Items section, use the autocompletes for the Include Proposals, Include Projects, and Include Assets fields to select items.
      2. Click Add.
    • Add by criteria:

      1. In the Search For Proposals/Projects/Assets To Add section, complete the fields as needed.

        The Status filter becomes enabled when you select one request type for the Request Type field.

        The Show Advanced Filters button becomes enabled when you select one or more values for the Request Type field. Fields that are common to all the selected request types are used as advanced filters.

      2. Click Search.
      3. In the Add New Proposals/Projects/Assets window, select items.
      4. Click Add.

    For details which proposals, projects and assets can be added to a portfolio, see Contents that can be added to a portfolio.

  4. Click Add.

Note: A portfolio can have a maximum of 1000 proposals, projects, and assets combined.

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Remove contents from a portfolio


  • To remove a subportfolio from a portfolio, you must be allowed to edit the subportfolio.
  • To remove a program from a portfolio, you must be allowed to view the program.
  • To remove a proposal, a project, or an asset from a portfolio, you must be allowed to view the proposal, project, or asset.

To remove a subportfolio, program, proposal, project, or asset from a portfolio:

  1. Go to the portfolio page.
  2. In the Contents tab, click the desired section.
  3. Use Ctrl + click or Shift + click to select the items you want to remove.
  4. Click Remove, and click Yes in the confirmation dialog.

The items removed from the portfolio are not deleted from PPM.

Removing a subportfolio from the portfolio changes the portfolio hierarchy.

Removing contents from a portfolio does not impact the contents in the existing portfolio scenarios. For example, if you remove a project from a portfolio, the project is not removed from the existing scenarios of the portfolio. Instead, the project cannot be included in new scenarios.

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Modify the display of the Contents tab

You can modify the display of the three sections (Subportfolios, Programs, and Proposals/Projects/Assets) under the Contents tab of a portfolio.

Note: You are no longer able to freeze columns in the Contents tab.

Default displays

When a portfolio is created, each section in the Contents tab has:

  • Columns that are displayed by default,
  • Columns that are always available to be shown, and
  • Columns that are only visible when the fiscal year is set to View All.
Section Columns displayed by default Columns always available to be shown Columns visible only in All view
  • Portfolio Name
  • Portfolio Managers
  • Forecast Cost
  • Actual Cost
  • Forecast Benefit
  • Actual Benefit
  • Approved Budget
  • Program Name
  • Managers
  • Status
  • Overall Health
  • Forecast Cost
  • Actual Cost
  • Forecast Benefit
  • Actual Benefit
  • Approved Budget
  • Business Objectives
  • POR Cost (Plan of Record forecast cost)
  • POR Benefit (Plan of Record forecast benefit)
  • Description
  • NPV
  • TNR (Total Nominal Return)
  • Issue Health
  • Risk Health
  • Scope Change Health
  • Relative Priority


  • Name
  • Type
  • Overall Health
  • Projected Cost
  • Projected Benefit
  • Projected Person Months
  • Forecast Person Months
  • Actual Person Months
  • Forecast Cost
  • Actual Cost
  • Forecast Benefit
  • Actual Benefit
  • Approved Budget
  • POR Cost
  • POR Benefit
  • Cost Health
  • Schedule Health
  • Issue Health
  • Projected Cost
  • Projected Benefit
  • Projected Person Months
  • Forecast Person Months

  • Actual Person Months
  • Approved Budget

Hide or display columns

  • To hide a column, click the drop-down arrow or right-click in any column heading, put the mouse over Columns, and click the column you want to hide.
  • To display a column that is not displayed, click the drop-down arrow or right-click in any column heading, put the mouseover Columns, and click the column you want to display.

Note: When you put the mouse over Columns, the columns to be hidden or displayed include:

Rearrange columns

To rearrange columns, click and drag a column heading to the desired position.

Resize a column

To resize a column, click and drag the dividing line between its column heading and the adjacent column heading.

Sort order of rows

  • To sort the values of a column in the ascending or descending order, click the column heading or right-click in the column heading, and click Sort Ascending or Sort Descending.
  • To remove sorting, right-click a column heading used for sorting and click Clear Sort.

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See also: