Add positions

You can add positions to a staffing profile by creating new ones or importing from an existing staffing profile. For project staffing profiles, you can also copy work plan tasks as positions.

Add positions

Add a new position or copy an existing position from the current staffing profile.

To add a new position:

  1. Click the Add Position button .

    A table entry is added on the top of the table.

  2. Complete the required and optional columns for the position.

    The Position and Role columns are always required.

    Other columns displayed by default and required are respectively controlled by the STAFFING_PROFILE_DEFAULT_COLUMN and STAFFING_PROFILE_REQUIRED_COLUMNS parameters. You can also add columns you want to display. For details, see Select columns on Staffing Profile page.





    The name of the position.

    If you specify a role for the position in the Role field, the Position field is pre-populated with the role name, otherwise, the Position field is empty.



    The role needed to fill the position. Click the Role icon to specify a role.

    Role Required

    Applicable in the Legacy UI. The role needed to fill the position.

    Position Label

    Applicable in the Legacy UI. The name of the position.

    Resource Type

    The type of resource needed.

    Resource Pool

    The resource pool from which to assign the role. Click Search to find a resource pool.

    Note: If you click Search on the right of the Resource Pool field in the Add Position dialog box to search resource pools, the search result lists all the resource pools that fit the search criteria, regardless of whether you have the view access grant to all of them.

    Specific Resources Requested

    The name of a specific resource to fill the position. The resource request will include the name of the specified resource. However, the resource pool manager may select other resources to allocate.

    When you choose a specific resource requested, PPM automatically fills the Position and Role columns with the resource's role, and the Resource Pool column with the resource pool where the resource belongs.

    • If you already filled the Position or Role column before specifying a specific resource, you are asked whether you want to override the previously filled position or role.
    • If a resource has allocations in different resource pools in different periods, PPM lists all these resource pools for you to select one to fill the Resource Pool column. However, if the parameter IGNORE_POOLS_WITH_ONLY_PAST_RESOURCE_PARTICIPATION is set to true, PPM lists only the resource pools that have the resource's allocations in the future.
    • If you already filled the Resource Pool column, the Specific Resource Requested column lists only the resources from the specified resource pool.

    Response Needed By

    The date when the position should be filled.


    The region of the position.

    Assignments Needed

    The amount of FTEs or hours needed to fill the position. To save time, you can highlight a cell by clicking it and then using Shift + click to fill a range of other cells in the same row with the value it contains.


    Any notes you want to include about the position.

  3. Create the forecast demand of the position.

    For details of creating position's forecast demand, see Create or adjust position forecast demand.

  4. In the right-corner of the position list, click Save.

    The position is added.

To add a position by copying an existing position:

  1. Select the checkbox before the position you want to copy.
  2. Click the Clone Positions button .

    The copied position is added to the top of the allocation table.

  3. Select the copied position, and then edit the Position, Role, and Resource Pool fields and its planned assignments.

    To adjust the position's forecast demand, see Adjust position's forecast demand.

  4. Click Save to save the changes.

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Import positions into a staffing profile

If you have created positions in a staffing profile and you want to use them in a new or another existing staffing profile, you can import some or all of these positions.

To import positions into a staffing profile:

  1. Open the staffing profile in which you want to add positions.

  2. Click the Import Positions button.

  3. In the Import Positions dialog box, click the Staffing Profile list and then select the source staffing profile from which to import positions.

    Note: If you click Import after selecting the source staffing profile, all the positions in the source staffing profile are imported to the current staffing profile.

  4. Click Select Positions to select the positions to import to the current staffing profile, and then click OK to return to the Import Positions dialog box. The Import Positions dialog box lists the number of positions to import.

  5. (Available on the new UI only) If you want to copy the specific requested resources from the source positions to the copied positions, select the Copy Specific Resources Requested checkbox.

  6. Click Import.

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Synchronize positions from work plan tasks

For project staffing profiles, you can copy work plan tasks as positions and synchronize changes from work plan tasks.


Your administrator has turned on the Sync Between Tasks and Positions feature toggle. For details, see Use feature toggles to turn on/off features.

To sync positions from work plan tasks:

  1. Open the target project staffing profile.

  2. Click the Sync from work plan button in the staffing profile toolbar.
  3. Work plan tasks that have roles specified are copied to the staffing profile as positions.

    These positions are indicated with task IDs. Clicking the task ID directs you to the task details page.

    Note: Only leaf tasks are copied to staffing profile as positions. Milestone tasks are not copied to staffing profile as positions.

    The following table lists the data mapping between work plan and staffing profile.

    Data in work plan Data in staffing profile
    Task name

    Position name

    Note: A task name can have up to 300 characters, while a position name can have up to 200 characters. If a task name exceeds 200 characters, it will be truncated when copied to the staffing profile.

    Task role Position role
    Task ID Task ID
    Scheduled start Start date
    Scheduled finish Finish date
    Scheduled effort Forecast demand
  4. After copying positions from work plan, clicking will synchronize the changes from work plan to staffing profile.

    Therefore, we recommend that you do not edit positions copied from work plan as your changes will be lost after next synchronization.

See also: