Prerequisite Settings for Users and Security Groups
General access to request types and certain functions related to processing requests are controlled by access grants associated with security groups. Users in those security groups have access to all of the functionality enabled by those access grants. You can impose restrictions on request viewing or processing at the request type level.
This section addresses the license and access grants settings required to enable general access to request processing.
Note: Only users with the Administrator license can create or modify user and security group accounts. Work with your administrator to provide users with the basic settings required to process requests. Process and data restrictions can later be implemented using settings in the workflow and request type definitions.
To create and process requests, users must have either the Demand Management license or the Configuration license.
For details on the functionality associated with each license, see Licenses and User Roles. The following sections address how the functionality provided with each access grant depends on the license type the user has.
Access Grants
Table 4-1. Access grants related to request creation and processing lists the access grants that provide general access to request processing functionality.
Screen and function access provided through access grants is cumulative. A user who belongs to three different security groups has the access to all of the user interface and functionality granted to all of the groups combined. To restrict certain screen and feature access, remove the user from any security group that has access to those areas.
Use the Access Grants tabs in the User window to see all security groups that have been given specific access grants, and then:
Remove the user from the security group (using the Security Group tab in the User window).
Remove the access grants from the security group (in the Security Group window). Do this only if no one in that security group requires the access that the access grant provides.
Note: The PPM includes additional access grants that you can use to control access to other functions in Demand Management. For more information, see Access grants.