Debug Parameters

Debug parameters control the debug and log output from the PPM Server. Debug parameters are either high-level or low-level.

High-Level Debug Parameters

You can change high-level debug parameters without causing system downtime on the PPM Server. Users who have the required privileges can configure these parameters by selecting Edit > Debug Settings from the PPM Workbench.

The high-level debug parameters are:

  • DEFAULT_USER_DEBUG_LEVEL (defined in the logging.conf file) control the debugging level.

  • ENABLE_JDBC_LOGGING (defined in the server.conf file) determines whether the server maintains a JDBC log file. If it is enabled, JDBC logging records SQL runs against the database, the amount of time required to run the SQL, and the amount of time required to retrieve the results.

  • ENABLE_SQL_TRACE (defined in the server.conf file) determines whether performance statistics for all SQL statements run are placed into a trace file.

  • SERVER_DEBUG_LEVEL (defined in the logging.conf file) controls the verbosity of logs generated by independent server processes such as EmailNotificationAgent.

For more information about the high-level debug parameters, see OpenText PPM Configuration parameters and Logging parameters.

Low-Level Debug Parameters

Enable the low-level debug parameters only if you require debugging information for a specific area. Enabling these parameters can degrade system performance because they consume additional CPU and generate large log files.

Note: We strongly recommend that you consult Software Support before enabling low-level debug parameters.

The low-level debug parameters, which are all defined in the logging.conf file are:







For more information about low-level debug parameters, see Logging parameters.