Get started with Track and Manage IT Demand

This section introduces the Track and Manage IT Demand solution.

Introduction to Track and Manage IT Demand

Demand Management is a Project and Portfolio Management (OpenText PPM) product that provides a single application and repository to capture all IT demand placed on an IT organization. OpenText PPM consolidates information from many different sources to enable you to both view aggregate demand in real time and report against it. Standard demand categories allow IT organizations to normalize the demand from different sources. This helps to assign resources and distribute coverage of IT demand.

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IT Demand Management Solution

IT groups receive requests for help from many different sources. Some requests are tracked by help desks, defect tracking systems, or service request systems. Other requests are logged in spreadsheets, notes, emails, and voice mailboxes. When requests for help come from a variety of sources, managing those requests can become a challenge. As a result, IT resources can become oversubscribed and IT activities can become misaligned with business requirements.

Demand Management provides a single point of contact for all requests placed on an IT group. Demand Management consolidates requests from many different sources, so that IT managers and others responsible for managing and tracking IT requests for help can view the demands placed on an IT group in real time.

The IT Demand Management solution uses the existing Demand Management functionality (see the figure below). Demand Management provides standard IT demand categories that allow IT groups to normalize the various requests for help. Demand Management also provides the tools required to track, analyze, schedule, and resolve requests. These tools include menus, pages, PPM Dashboard pages, and portlets. Demand on an IT group can be analyzed, managed, assigned to users, scheduled, and rejected. 

Note: For more information about Demand Management tools, see Interface options for managing demand and Process IT demand.

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