Manage IT demand with preconfigured dashboard pages

The IT Demand Management solution provides preconfigured PPM Dashboard pages to manage your IT demand. These can consist of one or more PPM Dashboard pages, each with a set of configured IT demand portlets. Adding these IT demand PPM Dashboard pages to your PPM Dashboard requires the correct access grants and security group permissions. If you do not have access to the IT demand PPM Dashboard pages, see your application administrator.

Demand Manager PPM Dashboard Page

The preconfigured Demand Manager PPM Dashboard page provides an overview of the IT demand placed on an entire organization. IT Demand is displayed in the following portlets (see Figure 2-4 below):

  • Consolidated Demand portlet. The Consolidated Demand portlet provides a graphical overview of the IT demand placed on your organization. For more information, see Consolidated Demand Portlet.

  • Demand by Department portlet. The Demand by Department portlet is a personalized version of the Demand by Category portlet. The Demand by Category portlet provides a quick view into different areas of your IT demand, such as organizing the display of IT demand by department. For more information, see Demand by Category Portlet.

  • Demand by Business Initiative portlet. The Demand by Business Initiative portlet is a personalized version of the Demand by Category portlet. The Demand by Category portlet provides a quick view into different areas of your IT demand, such as organizing the display of IT demand by business initiative. For more information, see Demand by Category Portlet.

  • SLA Exceptions by Department portlet. The SLA Exceptions by Department portlet is a personalized version of the SLA Exception Roll Up portlet. The SLA Exception Roll Up portlet lists the open IT demand requests that have triggered SLA exceptions. For more information, see SLA Exception Roll Up Portlet.

  • Initiatives Pending Approval portlet. The Initiatives Pending Approval portlet is a personalized version of the Request List portlet. The Request List portlet displays general information about IT demand requests, such as their descriptions and statuses. For information about the Request List portlet, see Demand List and Request List Portlets and the Demand Management User’s Guide.

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Team Manager PPM Dashboard Page

The preconfigured Team Manager PPM Dashboard page provides a view of IT demand components of interest to those managing IT demand. Team IT demand is displayed in the following portlets (see Figure 2-5 below):

  • Team SLA Exceptions by Dept portlet. The Team SLA Exceptions by Dept portlet is a personalized version of the SLA Exception Roll Up portlet. The SLA Exception Roll Up portlet lists the open requests that have triggered SLA exceptions. For more information, see SLA Exception Roll Up Portlet.

  • Team Demand by Priority portlet. The Team Demand by Priority portlet is a personalized version of the Demand by Category portlet. The Demand by Category portlet provides a quick view into different areas of your IT demand, such as organizing the display of IT demand by priority. For more information, see Demand by Category Portlet.

  • Team Assignment Queue portlet. The Team Assignment Queue portlet is a personalized version of the Assignment Queue portlet. The Assignment Queue portlet provides a personalized view into IT demand that has not been assigned to a resource, as well as assigning a resource to an IT demand. For more information, see Team Assignment Queue Portlet.

  • In Process Demand portlet. The In Process Demand portlet is a personalized version of the Request List portlet. The Request List portlet displays general information about requests, such as their descriptions and the statuses of the IT demand in the workflow. For information about the Request List portlet, see Demand List and Request List Portlets and the Demand Management User Guide.

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