Install agents

For each PulseUno instance, install at least one agent. Update your agents if the server moves.

For details on how to license agents, see PulseUno licensing.

Agent installation guidelines

Review these guidelines before you install agents:

  • For security purposes, we recommend that you install agents on a separate machine from the PulseUno server.
  • To distribute the processing load of chains, install multiple agents on different machines in your network.
  • To ensure seamless chain runs, we recommend installing the agent's configuration directory on a path that doesn't contain spaces.

  • Windows: If you are installing the agent as a service, make sure that the user account to run the service has the Windows Log on as a Service permission. Otherwise, the service doesn't start. For details, see the Microsoft documentation.

  • Dimensions CM only: If you are using registry passwords in chains, create and configure a password registry file on the agent's host machine. Then open the <pulseAgentDataDir>/conf/ file and add the path to the registry, for example:


Agent installation directories

By default, the agent is installed in the following location:

Windows C:\Program Files\OpenText\PulseUno-Agent
UNIX/Linux /var/opt/OpenText/PulseUno-Agent

For details about the agent's configuration directory <pulseAgentDataDir>, see Configuration settings.

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Install PulseUno agent

PulseUno agent installers are available for Windows and Linux platforms.

For a Dimensions CM installation, PulseUno agent installers are also available for AIX and Solaris.

To install an agent:

  1. Download the PulseUno agent installer from the Software Licensing and Downloads portal (requires login).

  2. Run the installer and follow the instructions.

    UNIX/Linux: By default, the agent's configuration directory is set to the same path as the installation directory. We recommend that you use the same location for both directories. If you change the default location, make sure that the path doesn't contain spaces.

  3. Post-installation step: To ensure smooth performance when running chains, verify that the agent's configuration property data.dir is set to the full path instead of the relative path (.).

    On the agent, open the <pulseAgentDataDir>/conf/ file. Change the data.dir property to the path of the agent's configuration directory <pulseAgentDataDir>, for example:

    Copy code

To uninstall the agent no longer in use, delete it from the PulseUno user interface. For details, see Delete agents.

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Update agents if PulseUno server moves

If a PulseUno server moves to another port or machine, update all the associated agents.

To update PulseUno agents:

  1. On each agent, open the <pulseAgentDataDir>/conf/ file.

  2. Modify the pulse.base.url property, for example:

    Copy code
  3. If you installed the agent as a service, restart the service. Otherwise, shut down the agent using the agent control script and the shutdown parameter, and then start the agent.

For details on how to upgrade agents to the latest version, see Upgrade agents.

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See also: