Upgrade PulseUno

This topic provides instructions on how to upgrade PulseUno and its agents to the latest version.

If you installed PulseUno as part of Dimensions CM, see the Administration Guide in the Dimensions CM help.

Upgrade prerequisites

To prepare for the PulseUno upgrade, back up your current installation.

Review the known issues that may be relevant to your installation. For details, see Known issues.

To back up PulseUno:

  1. Make a copy of the root directory containing the PulseUno data directories: <pulse_data>, <git_data>, and <vault_data>.

    PulseUno 23.2 and later

    Default locations:

    Windows C:\ProgramData\OpenText\PulseUno
    Linux /opt/opentext/pulseuno/data
    PulseUno 22.2 and earlier

    Default locations:

    Windows C:\ProgramData\Micro Focus\PulseUno
    Linux /opt/microfocus/pulseuno/data
  2. Windows only: If installed with an embedded PostgreSQL database, back up the directory containing user data:


  3. If you have enabled mutual authentication for the PulseUno server and agents, back up the following Common Tools files and directories:

    • <tomcatDir>\conf\server.xml

    • <tomcatDir>\conf\<your_keystore_file>.jks

    • <JAVA_HOME>\lib\security\cacerts

    For details about default locations, see Installation directories.

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Upgrade PulseUno

To upgrade PulseUno to the latest version, run the installer on top of your existing installation.

The installer removes the earlier product version and installs the new version using your current PulseUno database, application server, and mail server settings.

For details, see Install PulseUno.

After the upgrade, complete the Post-upgrade steps.

For details about server configuration, see Configuration settings.

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Upgrade agents

After you upgrade the PulseUno server, make sure to upgrade the associated agents.

Upgrade methods

Upgrade from the user interface Upgrade just the agent code without the Java Runtime Environment (JRE).
Run the agent installer for your platform

The agent installer doesn't have an upgrade option.

To do a full agent and JRE upgrade, first uninstall your current agent and then run the latest agent installer. For details, see Install agents.

When you upgrade agents from the user interface, PulseUno downloads the agent code from the server and installs it. You can upgrade multiple agents at once.

Caution: Upgrading from the user interface doesn't upgrade JRE. Make sure your agents use a supported JRE version. For details about supported versions, see the Support Matrix.

To upgrade agents:

  1. Log in to PulseUno as an administrator.
  2. Navigate to Administration > Agents.
  3. On the Agents page, select one or more connected agents.
  4. Click Upgrade.

Tip: If you need to upgrade agents manually, you can download the latest agent files from the user interface. On the Administration > Agents page, click Download Agent Install. The package contains only the agent code and doesn't include JRE.

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Post-upgrade steps

Perform these tasks after upgrading PulseUno and the agents.

Post-upgrade steps:

  • Complete any relevant Post-installation steps.

  • If you have enabled mutual authentication for the PulseUno server and agents, the settings are not preserved during the upgrade. Manually copy the SSL settings from the following backup files to the corresponding files in the upgraded installation:

    • <tomcatDir>\conf\server.xml

    • <tomcatDir>\conf\<your_keystore_file>.jks

    • <pulse_data>\conf\startup.properties

    • <git_data>\config\pulse.properties

    • <vault_data>\conf\startup.properties

    • <JAVA_HOME>\lib\security\cacerts

    For details about default locations, see Installation directories.

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See also: