Post-installation steps

Perform these tasks to complete the PulseUno installation and prepare PulseUno for work.

Verify and secure your installation

After installing PulseUno, verify your installation, check the licenses, and secure access to sensitive PulseUno data.

To check and secure your installation:

  1. Check the installation logs and running services:

    Installation logs

    Review the installation logs for details about the installation process.

    Default locations:

    Windows C:\Program Files\OpenText\PulseUno\_PulseUno_installation\Logs
    Linux /opt/opentext/PulseUno/_PulseUno_installation/Logs
    Running services

    Check that the following services are running:

    • OpenText Common Tomcat
    • OpenText PostgreSQL (only for an embedded PostgreSQL database)
  2. Ensure that you have the necessary licenses. The evaluation option provided by PulseUno is limited to three users and three agents. For details, see PulseUno licensing.

  3. Improve the security of your PulseUno installation. For details, see Secure your PulseUno installation.

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Check connection, authentication, licensing, and URL settings in the PulseUno server's file.

If you skipped configuring the Git or Vault connection during the PulseUno installation, you need to define the connection in

For details about the Git and Vault server configuration, see Configuration settings.

To configure

  1. Open the file in the server's <pulse_data>\conf directory.

  2. To specify the connection for the Git and Vault servers, change the gitserver.url and vaultserver.url properties by providing a URL for each server, for example:

    Copy code

    Caution: Make sure your Vault and PulseUno servers are configured to use the same protocol type. For example, if the PulseUno server is configured for HTTPS, the Vault server must also use HTTPS. This ensures that no errors occur when uploading or downloading artifacts through the user interface.

  3. If the Git and Vault servers have different host names and port numbers, for example, if they sit behind a reverse proxy, define the pattern for public URLs. The pattern determines how base URLs are presented in the user interface and notifications.

    By default, the gitserver.url and vaultserver.url properties define public base URLs.

    To set the public URL pattern, add the following properties and their values:

    Property Description

    Specifies the public base URL for the PulseUno web application, for example:



    Specifies the public base URL for the Git server component, for example:


    The Git server's base URL is appended with the relative URL parts, such as the space and Git repository names, to form the Git repository URL used for cloning, pushing, and pulling.


    Specifies the public base SSH URL for the Git server component, for example:


    The base SSH URL is appended with the relative URL parts to form the Git repository SSH URL used for cloning, pushing, and pulling.


    Specifies the public base URL for the Vault server component, for example:


    The Vault server's base URL is appended with the relative URL parts, such as the space and vault names, to form the vault URL used for deploying and downloading artifacts.

  4. Check the following properties and reconfigure them as needed:

    Property Description

    Specifies the JDBC URL for a remote database.

    If you are using a remote database, edit this property to point to your database. For details about the JDBC URL format, see Connect with JDBC.

    database.username Specifies the username to connect to your database.
    database.password Specifies the password to connect to your database.
    database.type Specifies the type of your database: oracle, postgresql, or sqlserver.

    Specifies the authentication type for accessing PulseUno.

    For example, if installed standalone, PulseUno by default uses internal authentication with a login and password:


    For details on how to set up authentication using OpenID Connect SSO, LDAP, or one of the OpenText products with which PulseUno integrates, see Use external authentication.

    registered.password.file Dimensions CM only: Specifies the path to the registry.dat file on the Dimensions CM server. This file contains the credentials for key Dimensions CM user accounts.

    Specifies the languages supported in the PulseUno user interface.

    By default, PulseUno supports English, German, French, Japanese, Portuguese, and Chinese:


    For details on how to set the default language of the PulseUno user interface, see Set system properties.


    Specifies the URL of your AutoPass License Server.

    For details on how to manage licenses with AutoPass, see PulseUno licensing.


    Specifies the number of minutes a user can remain idle before they are signed out of PulseUno.

    By default, PulseUno uses the session timeout set for Common Tomcat, which is typically 30 minutes.

  5. To apply the changes, restart Common Tomcat.

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See also: