Set system properties

To help you diagnose possible issues with the system and set up your environment, PulseUno provides access to system configuration in the user interface. As an administrator, you can modify and reset system properties.

Modify system properties

Edit system properties if you need to customize your PulseUno instance or change the behavior of its components and entities.

Caution: Changing system defaults may have unexpected results. We recommend that you make such changes only for diagnostic purposes and with the help of Support. To modify your avatar server and mail server settings, use the relevant Administration sections, Administration > User Data and Avatars and Administration > Notifications.

To change system properties:

  1. Navigate to Administration > System Properties.

  2. On the System Properties page, find the property you need to change, and modify its value. Depending on the property, enter a new value, select an option from the list, or use the toggle button to enable or disable the property.

    Changing the property value activates the Save and Reset buttons next to the property.

    For a list of useful system properties, see Common system properties.

  3. Click Save next to the property.

  4. To go back to the default setting, click Reset.

  5. To view the history of changes made to the property, click History next to the property.

    For details on how to access the audit history of all system properties, see View history.

For some system properties to take effect, you may need to restart the PulseUno web application.

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Common system properties

The following table describes common system properties that you may want to modify:

Property Description

By default, PulseUno accepts Application Lifecycle Framework (ALF) events from all networks. To improve security, specify which networks are trusted to provide ALF events.

Enter a list of CIDR IP addresses, separated by commas.


If PulseUno is configured for internal authentication, password expiration is enforced by default. For details, see Configure password expiration.

Set the number of days after which a password expires. If set to 0, password expiration is not enforced.

Default value: 90


If PulseUno is configured for internal authentication, you can change the default number of allowed login attempts before a user account is locked out.

By default, PulseUno locks out a user account after four unsuccessful login attempts in a row.


If PulseUno is configured for internal authentication, you can change the default lockout period during which a user account remains locked after exceeding the number of allowed login attempts.

By default, PulseUno locks out a user account for 15 minutes.


ALM Octane integration: Change the size limit for build logs published to an ALM Octane pipeline.

The default log size limit is 150 MB.


Enter a pattern to automatically generate a Git commit message when a pull request is merged.

For example:



  • %LABEL% is the ID of the pull request used for the merge.

  • %AUTHOR% is the pull request's author.

  • %SOURCE% is the pull request's source stream/branch.

  • %REQUESTEXTLABEL% is the request's extended label if the request has another attribute to use as a label.

  • %REQUESTLABEL% is the request ID.

    Note: When referencing requests, use the variable %REQUESTLABELINBRACKETS% to enclose the request ID in square brackets.

  • %TARGET% is the stream/branch into which the pull request is merged.


Set the default language of the PulseUno user interface for new users.

For details on how to define the languages supported in the PulseUno user interface, see Configure

ui.login.animation To display a static login page, disable the login screen animation. The animation is enabled by default.

Add a message on the login page. The message is displayed above the login and password fields.

For example, you may add a legal notice required by your company.

By default, no message is displayed.

Add a description to identify your PulseUno instance. Use up to 200 characters. The description is displayed as a one-line banner above the PulseUno user interface.

For example, you may add a description of your company.

By default, no description is displayed.


Select a region that corresponds to the ui.language setting. The region defines the format in which the date and time are displayed.

For example, to apply the European date and time notation for the English language, set the region to 150. To use the international English standard, set the region to 001.


Customize the text banner above the sidebar in the PulseUno user interface.

For example, if you have multiple PulseUno environments, describe the type of environment, such as PulseUno Production or PulseUno Staging.

The default sidebar banner is PulseUno.

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See also: