View history

You can view audit history for a space, product, or stream/branch. As an administrator, you have access to the global history of your PulseUno instance.

Note: History provides an audit trail of changes, and doesn't include information about activity. For details about viewing and downloading the activity feed, see View activity.

View an entity's history

History presents a record of configuration changes to a particular entity such as space, product, or stream/branch.

To explore an entity's history, you need owner permissions for the entity you're viewing. For example, to access a space's history, you need to be the space's owner.

For details about viewing the history of a chain, see View chain runs.

An entity's history maintains the following information:

  • What was created, updated, or removed.

  • Who made the change.

  • When the change was made.

By default, an entity's history doesn't include events for child entities. For example, the history of a product doesn't display changes to streams/branches or chains in that product. But you can adjust filters to include child entities.

To view an entity's history:

  1. On the top navigation bar, select a space from the spaces list.

  2. To restrict the scope to a particular entity, open the relevant product, Git repository, or stream/branch.

  3. On the sidebar, select Settings > History.

    On the History page, the events are listed in descending order, from latest to oldest.

  4. To refine the list of events, click Add Filter and select a filter. You can filter history by a date range, user, property, and/or child entities.

    You can add multiple filters, but each filter can be used only once.

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View global history

You can explore and filter the global audit history of your PulseUno instance.

Global history maintains information about changes to space, product, and stream/branch settings. It also keeps track of changes to system properties, plugins, and chains.

To view global history:

  1. On the top navigation bar, go to Administration > History.

    On the History page, the events are listed in descending order, from latest to oldest.

  2. To refine the list of events, click Add Filter and select a filter:

    Filter Description
    Action Displays events for one of the following actions: Created, Updated, or Removed.
    Author Displays changes made by a particular user.
    Entity ID Displays events based on the entity's internal database ID.
    Entity Type

    Displays history for a selected entity (such as space or product), functional element (such as chains or plugins), or setting (such as branch policy or review tag).


    To view the history for system properties, select Entity Type > System Property.

    To view the history for chain variables, select Entity Type > Chain Variable.

    To view a list of events related to secrets, select Entity Type > Secret.

    Modified Fields Displays changes made to a specified option or field. For example, a branch name pattern in branch policies, or capabilities in chains.
    Request ID

    Displays events with a specified request ID.

    PulseUno assigns a unique request ID to each REST call made from the user interface to the server. All database operations associated with a particular REST call have the same request ID.

    Session ID Displays events for a specified user session.
    Timestamp Displays events for a specified period of time.
  3. Select more filters as needed. Some filters can be used multiple times.

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See also: