Capture to DA CodeStation

Use the Capture to DA CodeStation plugin to capture built artifacts to the Deployment Automation artifact repository, CodeStation. Artifacts represent deployable items such as files, images, databases, configuration materials, or other items associated with a software project.


Before you can use the Capture to DA CodeStation plugin in a chain, ensure that you fulfill the following prerequisites:

  • Install the Deployment Automation server in a network location where the plugin can connect to. For details about supported versions, see the Support Matrix.

  • Create a component in Deployment Automation. For details, see the Deployment Automation help.

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Configure the plugin

When you add the Capture to DA CodeStation plugin to a chain, specify the plugin configuration details.

To configure the Capture to DA CodeStation step:

  1. Add the Capture to DA CodeStation step to a chain, as described in Create chains.

  2. Enter the plugin configuration details:

    Field Description
    Title Enter a name for the plugin step or accept the default name.
    Username Enter the username for the user to connect to Deployment Automation.
    Password Enter the user's password to connect to Deployment Automation.
    DA server URL Enter the URL of the Deployment Automation server.
    Component name

    Enter the name of a Deployment Automation component.

    Specify the format of the component name to make it easier to identify its source. You can enter the value as one of the following variables, using the syntax {{variable_name}}:








    Version name

    (Optional) Enter the version of the Deployment Automation component.

    Specify the format of the version name to make it easier to identify its source. You can use the same variables as for the Component Name, for example:


    Artifact directory (Optional) Enter the relative path to the source directory where the artifacts are located.
    Target directory (Optional) Enter the relative path to the destination directory in which the artifacts are published.
    Include patterns (Optional) To publish only specific files, enter one or more Ant patterns, one pattern per line. To publish all files, leave this field empty.
    Exclude patterns (Optional) To exclude specific files from being published, enter one or more Ant patterns, one pattern per line. To publish all files, leave this field empty.
    Flatten files (Optional) Select this option to publish all the files into one flat directory.
    When no files are captured, mark the step as (Optional) From the list, select the state to assign to the step if no files are captured: Success, Failed, or Unstable.

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See also: