Use plugins

This section describes the plugins provided with PulseUno and how to enable or disable them.

For a list of available chain plugins, see Plugins overview.

Built-in and bundled plugins

PulseUno includes bundled and built-in plugins:

Built-in plugins Built-in plugins can be upgraded or replaced only when you upgrade PulseUno. They are core to the product and are not expected to change without changes to PulseUno.
Bundled plugins Bundled plugins are standard plugins that are shipped with PulseUno. You can overwrite them as long as the newer versions are backwards compatible with your PulseUno version.

Plugins described in this section contain the following information:

  • A description of what the plugin does.

  • Prerequisites, if any, such as external tools that the plugin depends on.

  • Configuration details, such as global server configuration files that must be set up, the parameters that you specify when adding a plugin step to a chain, and whether the plugin needs to be in a chain that uses a workspace.


A workspace is a directory allocated to a chain when the chain runs. The workspace is populated with the stream/branch content (files), so that the plugins in the chain can analyze the stream/branch content and report findings back to PulseUno. Workspaces are limited, and a chain may be delayed until one is allocated.

Workspace directories are located in the PulseUno data directory. The notation <pulse_data> refers to the pulse_data directory on the PulseUno server.

Default locations:

Windows C:\ProgramData\OpenText\PulseUno\pulse_data
Linux /opt/opentext/pulseuno/data/pulse_data

Note: To specify file paths in .properties files, use either a slash (/) (Windows and UNIX) or backslash (\) (Windows only) as a filename separator. If you use backslash (\), escape it with another backslash. For example: file.path=C:\\TEMP\\myfile.bin

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Custom plugins

Additional and upgraded plugins may be available for download from the Community page.

You can write your own plugin implementations if you have site-specific requirements or in-house utilities that you want to integrate with PulseUno. For details, see Pulse Java SDK.

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Plugin attributes

Chain plugins have the following optional attributes.

Attribute Description
Execution state The following states are used: Success, Failure, Unstable, or Stopped.
Measurement A set of single-valued judgments about source code. For example, 24,847 might be a measurement of lines of code, and High might be a measurement of the security risk level.

When issues are identified, chain plugins annotate the source code and provide a severity level to indicate how serious an issue is.

Findings are displayed as a list of messages for each plugin. Messages are divided by type, such as Errors, Warnings, Failures, or Information. Some findings may include a link to a web page that provides more details. For details, see Inspect chain runs in reviews.

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Enable or disable plugins

As an administrator, you can enable or disable the plugins installed in your environment, and view the results of recent plugin runs.

If you disable a plugin that is included in a chain, the plugin step is skipped when the chain runs.

To enable or disable a plugin:

  1. In PulseUno, navigate to Administration > Plugins.

  2. To enable a plugin, click Enable next to the plugin.

    To disable a plugin, click Disable.

Note: If your PulseUno instance is a part of the Dimensions CM installation, you can install more plugins. For details, see the Dimensions CM help.

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See also: