CM Build

If your team uses Dimensions Build and you have existing build configurations, use the CM Build bundled plugin to run the configurations in PulseUno.

Dimensions Build is a build management, execution, and monitoring tool that is part of Dimensions CM. For details, see the Dimensions CM online help.


Before you can use the CM Build plugin in a PulseUno chain, create a build configuration in Dimensions Build for each stream that you are going to build.

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Configure CM Build plugin

Because CM Build manages its own workspaces, you can add it to a chain that does not populate a workspace.

To configure the CM Build step:

  1. Add the CM Build step to a chain, as described in Create chains.

  2. Enter a name for the plugin step or accept the default name.

  3. Select a CM user account to be used to run the build:

    Service account Use the account of the user currently logged in to PulseUno. This account was used to populate the work area associated with the stream.
    Custom account Custom account. Use a different CM user account. Specify the username and password.
  4. Choose whether to configure CM Build using command line:

    Yes Enter build command parameters.
    No (default) Configure CM Build using the options described next.
  5. If you selected not to configure CM Build using command line (default option), specify the following details:

    Field Description
    Build based on request(s)

    (Optional) Restrict the build to sources that are related to the CM requests you specify. Enter a comma-separated list of requests, for example:


    Leave the field empty if you do not want to restrict the build.

    Area type

    (Optional) Select a Dimensions CM area type:

    • Work. A location on your local drive, a remote node, or a network drive that is associated with a stream or project.
    • Deployment. An area defined for a project or stream for deploying item files that have reached a particular stage in the Global Stage Lifecycle.
    Area name (Optional) Specify the Dimensions CM area to be used for this build. By default, the step uses all areas associated with the build configuration or stage.
    Stage If you selected a Deployment area, specify the stage for which to build the targets, for example, DEV.
    Build configuration name

    Specify the build configuration and version to be built, for example:


    If you do not specify a version, the latest version is used.

    Build area user

    If you selected a Work area, enter the credential set for the Dimensions CM user with access to the build area, for example:


    Populate the work area with all files (Optional) If you selected a Work area, select this option to populate the work area with all the files related to the build.

    Check in built items


    Select the option for checking in items:

    • None (default). Do not check in the built items to Dimensions CM.
    • Use default request(s). Check in the built items and use the same request to which the sources are related.
    • Use custom request(s). Check in the built items and relate to the custom requests specified in Relate build items to requests.
    Target stream name

    If you selected to check in built items, specify the stream to which the collected and built items are delivered, for example:


    Leave the field empty to deliver the built items to the same stream as the source items.

    Relate built items to requests

    If you selected to check in built items related to custom requests, enter a comma-separated list of requests to which to relate new items created from the final build targets, for example:


    Build options

    If you selected a Deployment area, select a build option:

    • Clean area(s) before build. Run the clean script specified in the build configuration before the build.
    • Audit area(s) before build. Produce an audit report for the build areas associated with the Dimensions CM project or stream. The report is generated before the build.
    Target selections

    Set the following target options:

    • Dependency analysis. Controls the selection of build targets.
    • Configuration analysis. Analyzes the build configuration.
    • Final targets only. Returns intermediate and final targets.
    • Predicted (using soft relationships). Returns predicted targets based on a previous revision of the item. Is relevant when the selected revision has not yet been built.
    • Foreign (cross project dependencies). Includes targets that are related to items in a different project or stream.
    • Side effect (only from observed builds). Requests side effect targets from dependency analysis.
    • All targets. Returns all targets.

    For details, see the BLD command in the Dimensions CM Command-Line Reference.

    Poll rate Specify how often (in seconds) the plugin checks if the build has completed.

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See also: