Email Notification

Use the Email Notification plugin to send email notifications about failed or successful chain runs to specified users. When a chain fails, the email can include a summary of test results.

To configure Email Notification step:

  1. Add the Email Notification step to a chain, as described in Create chains.

  2. Enter the plugin configuration details:

    Field Description
    Title Enter a name for the plugin step.
    Include these additional emails when the chain fails

    (Optional) Specify the emails of users to be notified if the chain fails.

    Enter emails separated with a comma or semicolon, or one email per line.

    Include these additional emails when the chain returns to successful state

    (Optional) Specify the emails of users to be notified if the chain runs successfully.

    Enter emails separated with a comma or semicolon, or one email per line.

    Only send email to the addresses listed above

    Select this option to send notifications only to the specified recipients.

    Users who delivered the changeset are not notified unless you specified their emails.

    Also send email to the changeset authors By default, PulseUno sends notifications to users who delivered the changeset in addition to the recipients you specified.
    Always notify recipients when chain fails

    By default, PulseUno sends notifications when the chain fails.

    Clear this option if you don't want to notify users about failed chain runs.

    Always notify recipients when chain succeeds Select this option to send notifications when the chain runs successfully.
    Include a summary of any test results

    By default, if the chain run fails, a unit test summary with the link to the chain run page is included in the notification.

    Clear this option if you don't want notifications to include test results.

    Control options

    (Optional) Define the control options for the plugin step:

    • Enable step. By default, the step is enabled to run. Clear this option if you need to deactivate the step.

      Disabled steps are skipped when the chain runs.

    • Fail the step. Specify the conditions for failing the step, such as unit test failures, findings criteria, and/or console log entries.

    • Mark step as unstable. Specify the conditions for making the step unstable, such as unit test failures, findings criteria, and/or console log entries.

    Output variables (Optional) Specify the output variables to be passed to other steps down the chain. For details, see Publish output variables.

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See also: