
The Kiuwan bundled plugin integrates with Kiuwan Software Analytics in the Cloud, an online code quality and security service.

If you are signed up to the Kiuwan service, use the plugin to track the quality and security of your changesets. This information can be visible in PulseUno reviews and reports.


To use the Kiuwan plugin, ensure that the following prerequisites are fulfilled:

  • You need an active account (username and password) for the Kiuwan service. You have logged in to the service and configured an application name for your stream.

  • Install the Kiuwan Local Analyzer on the PulseUno server. For details, see the Kiuwan documentation.

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Create the server configuration file

The Kiuwan plugin's server configuration file is required and is located in:


Property Description

Specifies the full path to the Kiuwan Local Analyzer's agent launcher (agent.cmd or not kiuwan.cmd or, for example:


kiuwan.poll.interval Specifies how often (in seconds) to check whether an analysis has completed, for example, 180.

Specifies the username (email) to access the Kiuwan service.

Note: You can specify the properties kiuwanUsername and kiuwanPassword when you add the Kiuwan plugin to a chain. But if you always use the same account, it is simpler to specify them in the server configuration file.

kiuwanPassword Specifies the password to access the Kiuwan service.

Specifies the application name that has been configured in the Kiuwan account.

Note: Normally, this property varies, based on the stream. But if you always use the same application, you can specify it globally in the server configuration file.

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Configure the Kiuwan plugin

Because the Kiuwan Local Analyzer operates on source code files, add the Kiuwan plugin to a chain that populates a workspace.

To configure the Kiuwan step:

  1. Add the Kiuwan step to a chain, as described in Create chains.

  2. Enter the plugin configuration details:

    Field Description
    Title Enter a name for the plugin step or accept the default name.
    Username Enter the username (email) for the Kiuwan account, for example,
    Password Enter the password for the Kiuwan account.
    Application Enter the application name against which to register analysis results in your Kiuwan account, for example, Qlarius.

Note: The properties Username, Password and Application are optional if they have been configured in the server configuration file.

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See also: