Map to Dimensions CM roles and request states

As an administrator, you can map PulseUno roles and request states to those of Dimensions CM. Use this synchronization to automatically copy role assignments to PulseUno or push states from PulseUno to Dimensions CM.

Prerequisite: Connect to Dimensions CM repository

To synchronize PulseUno and Dimensions CM roles and states:

  1. In PulseUno, navigate to Administration > Connections.

  2. On the Connections page, click the name of the Dimensions CM connection you want to use.

  3. To map review states and roles, select the Reviews tab.

    To map pull request states and roles, select the Pull Requests tab.

  4. Set the mappings, as described in the following table.

    Apart from Reviewer role name in CM, the integrations are optional. Leave an integration empty to disable it. Leave all fields empty unless your CM request lifecycle includes an In Review state.

    Setting Description
    Reviewer role name in CM Enter a Dimensions CM role. Users that hold this role can be selected as reviewers in PulseUno. If you do not specify a role, the default Reviewer role is used.
    In Review state name in CM

    Enter a comma-separated list of CM request states that can add reviewers to associated PulseUno reviews.

    PulseUno listens for Action Request notifications from Dimensions CM. When a request transitions to one of these named states in CM, its Reviewer role assignment is copied to PulseUno, and its review rules are executed.

    Rework state name in CM Enter the CM state to which requests transition when any associated PulseUno review is sent for rework.
    Approved state name in CM Enter the CM state to which requests transition when any associated PulseUno review is sent for rework or marked as approved.
    Completed state name in CM (pull requests only) Enter the CM state to which associated PulseUno requests transition when any pull request is merged.

    Note: Actioning a request to In Review causes the review rules to run and typically changes the review's state to In Review.

  5. Click Save.

PulseUno also enables you to synchronize with the phases of ALM Octane work items. For details, see Synchronize with ALM Octane work items.

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