Integrate with Dimensions CM

To integrate with Dimensions CM, first connect a Dimensions CM repository to PulseUno. For details, see Connect to Dimensions CM repository.

Note: If you installed PulseUno as part of Dimensions CM, the connection to a Dimensions CM repository is created automatically.

Set up an integration with Dimensions CM to enable the following functionality:

Enable the use of Dimensions CM requests in a PulseUno Git repository. See Enable Dimensions CM requests.
Synchronize PulseUno roles and request states with those of Dimensions CM. See Map to Dimensions CM roles and request states.
Set the default Dimensions CM role for pull requests. See Set Dimensions CM reviewer role.
Manage Dimensions CM requests, backlogs, and iterations in a Dimensions CM product. See Agile request management.
Mirror a branch of a remote Git repository from PulseUno into Dimensions CM. See Mirror a Git repository branch into Dimensions CM.

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