Use the UFT One bundled plugin to run UFT One system-based tests.


The following prerequisites must be fulfilled before you use the UFT One plugin:

  • The PulseUno agent running the chain is installed on the same machine as UFT One. For details about supported versions, see the Support Matrix.

  • The PulseUno agent running the chain can access your application under test (AUT).

  • To run GUI tests, the agent must be run as an administrator.

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Configure UFT One plugin

When you add the UFT One plugin to a chain, specify the plugin configuration details.

To configure the UFT One step:

  1. Add the UFT One step to a chain, as described in Create chains.

  2. Enter the plugin configuration details:

    Field Description
    Title (Optional) Rename the plugin step.

    Specify the list of file-based tests to run. Enter the relative path to each file-based test or an .mtb or .mtbx test batch file on a separate line, for example:


    Leave empty to use files in your workspace directory.

    Results directory

    Enter the relative path to the directory in which to save the test results.

    Leave empty to save the test results in your workspace directory.


    (Optional) Set a timeout after which the step fails, in seconds. Default: 600 seconds.

    Leave empty to run the step indefinitely.

    Advanced settings

    (Optional) Select Advanced settings and specify the following options:

    • Run mode. Select the mode for running your tests, Normal (default) or Fast.

    • On failure. Specify the actions to perform if any tests fail. By default, if a test fails, PulseUno reruns all the tests on a primary machine. Optionally, you can run a cleanup test before the rerun.

    For details about these options, see the UFT One help.

    Attach test reports for tests that (Optional) Specify in what cases to attach the test reports. By default, the test reports are attached for tests that have errors or fail.
    Control options

    (Optional) Define the control options for the plugin step:

    • Enable step. By default, the step is enabled to run. Clear this option if you need to deactivate the step.

      Disabled steps are skipped when the chain runs.

    • Fail the step. Specify the conditions for failing the step, such as unit test failures, findings criteria, and/or console log entries.

    • Mark step as unstable. Specify the conditions for making the step unstable, such as unit test failures, findings criteria, and/or console log entries.

    Output variables (Optional) Specify the output variables to be passed to other steps down the chain. For details, see Publish output variables.

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See also: