Run UFT One tests from ALM Octane

When integrating with ALM Octane, you can send UFT One tests and test results to ALM Octane and trigger automated chain runs of the tests from ALM Octane.


This integration enables you to run UFT One tests in PulseUno by triggering them from an ALM Octane test suite.

Using PulseUno chains, you can run UFT One tests, publish tests results to ALM Octane, and continuously inform ALM Octane about any new UFT One tests in your PulseUno workspace. You can then trigger these tests individually or as a pipeline from an ALM Octane test suite.

Guidelines and behaviors:

  • To send the results of UFT One tests to ALM Octane, create a UFT One test runner chain that integrates with an ALM Octane pipeline. This chain runs a set of UFT One tests in PulseUno and pushes the test results to ALM Octane.

    After the results are published, add the tests to an ALM Octane test suite so that you can run them from there. You can trigger the full pipeline but not specific tests.

  • To discover any new UFT One tests, create a chain that scans your workspace, detects UFT One tests, and informs ALM Octane about them.

    After the chain runs, the discovered tests become available in ALM Octane, and you can then trigger specific tests rather than the full pipeline from an ALM Octane test suite. For example, if a particular test in the pipeline fails, you can rerun only the failed test. Or you can run tests in a specific area if your test plan requires it.

    Using this chain, you no longer need to periodically run the UFT One test runner chain in to create new test entities in ALM Octane.

  • If you remove a discovered UFT One test in your source code repository, you must manually delete it in ALM Octane to prevent errors.

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Integration steps

To run chains of UFT One tests from ALM Octane, complete the following steps.

Step 1 In PulseUno: Connect to an ALM Octane instance. See Connect to ALM Octane.
Step 2 In PulseUno: Enable the relevant product or Git repository to use the ALM Octane connection. See Enable ALM Octane connection.
Step 3

In PulseUno: To publish results to an ALM Octane pipeline, create a UFT One test runner chain that has the following plugin steps:

  1. The UFT One step. See UFT One.

  2. The Publish results to ALM Octane step. See Create a chain to publish to ALM Octane.

Make sure to add the testsToRun variable on the chain. ALM Octane uses the testsToRun parameter to send the chain a list of tests to run.

For details on how to define variables, see Add chain variables.

Step 4 (Optional) In PulseUno: Create a chain that detects UFT One tests and sends information about them to ALM Octane. See Create a chain to discover UFT One tests.
Step 5 In ALM Octane: Add a PulseUno CI server.
Step 6 In ALM Octane: Create a pipeline to which PulseUno sends UFT One test results. Set up the pipeline to run on the PulseUno CI server and use the UFT One test runner chain.
Step 7

In ALM Octane: Create a test runner with the following settings:

  • Framework. Select JUnit or any other framework except UFT.

    The UFT framework doesn't support PulseUno CI servers.

  • CI server. Select the PulseUno CI server.

  • Job. Select the UFT One test runner chain you have created in PulseUno.

For details on how to complete the tasks in ALM Octane and trigger automated tests from a test suite, see the ALM Octane help.

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Create a chain to discover UFT One tests

To detect UFT One tests and inform ALM Octane about them, configure a chain with the plugin Publish UFT One Discovered Tests to ALM Octane.

Note: Administrator, owner, or maintainer permissions required.

To configure a chain that detects UFT One tests:

  1. In PulseUno, on the top navigation bar, select the relevant space from the spaces list.

  2. On the Products page, open the product or Git repository from which to publish to ALM Octane.

  3. On the sidebar, select Chains.

  4. Open the chain you want to use for the integration, and click Edit.

    Or create a new chain, as described in Create chains.

  5. In the Steps tab, click Add step to chain .

  6. From the Add Step list, add the Publish UFT One Discovered Tests to ALM Octane plugin.

  7. Click the step and enter the following configuration details:

    Field Description
    Title (Optional) Rename the plugin step.
    Control options

    (Optional) Define the control options for the plugin step:

    • Enable step. By default, the step is enabled to run. Clear this option if you need to deactivate the step.

      Disabled steps are skipped when the chain runs.

    • Fail the step. Specify the conditions for failing the step, such as unit test failures, findings criteria, and/or console log entries.

    • Mark step as unstable. Specify the conditions for making the step unstable, such as unit test failures, findings criteria, and/or console log entries.

    Output variables (Optional) Specify the output variables to be passed to other steps down the chain. For details, see Publish output variables.
  8. To specify the schedule or the conditions for running the chain, select the Triggers tab and set the Run chain option.

    For example, to discover UFT One tests as soon as they are delivered to your workspace, select to run the chain on every changeset.

    For details, see Schedule chain runs.

  9. Click Save & Continue.

Before you can run the chain, finish setting up the integration, as described in Integration steps.

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See also: